Anonymous ID: d4db93 Dec. 24, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.7612463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559

Were Mueller and Rosenstein dragging out the investigation for purposes similar to why Sessions recused himself?


The whole thing seems an awful lot like giving (((them))) as much rope as they could possibly want to hang themselves with without letting them do any real, irreversible damage.


Part of what got me thinkin' on this was wondering about the FBI having worn wires when interacting with candidate and then President Trump…

Was Rosenstein calling them out when the brought it up?


And Mueller… the Dems were floored by how nothing there was. They've had this impeachment planned out since before Trump was sworn in.

Buuuut they were left empty handed. With a testimony that would also leave them empty handed.


Had it gone quicker, they would have had a chance to try and come up with something more workable but… they've been scrambling ever since.