Anonymous ID: 02c4cb Dec. 24, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.7613081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3139 >>3349

>>7612937 pb


Well, I didn't read the thing you're talking about. I'm not criticizing it, not against it, just not reading it..


Use the Sherman Anti Trust Act to break up all the Media Companies into tiny tiny pieces. ESPN and ESPN2? Nope. Just ESPN. Disney and ABC? Nope Pick one. 1 TV channel. That Sherman Anti Trust Act was passed before this country went to shit. One of the pretty good laws.


Trump gonna use it? He whines about "fake news" just like you and me. What a guy. He's the fucking POTUS.


Or just throw Jew haters (right thinking Americans) in jail?


We've been here (actually 4 chan and then 8) for 2 years and we get what? Nothing we want, and executive orders against anti Semitism and a global pro faggotry push?


Get the fucking bad guys, Soros is a TERRORIST. What do we do with TERRORISTS?


Sumner Redstone. Pick your favorite TV station, you get to keep that one, sell the rest. Brian Roberts. You can keep Comcast (maybe, but maybe Comcast is too big) or NBC but not MSNBC and NBC.


Bob Iger, Disney is what exactly? Keep one Disney theme park, or ABC, but not all of it. Sell it all.


And all those guys are Jews.

Anonymous ID: 02c4cb Dec. 24, 2019, 4:39 p.m. No.7613166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3349


good point, upvoted.


And I'd guess that Jews came up with Kwanza, not Blacks, and the it's the Jews who are promoting it, not Blacks, with the goal for Whites to be pissed at Blacks, for Whites to be endlessly pissed at an increasing bad set of baddies, but never Jews.