Anonymous ID: 4210d5 Dec. 24, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.7613192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3294

>>7612870 (pb)

>we were wondering what it could be that could cause 99% of the population to go to the hospital

Q said it's the whole picture of it all.

The reality of Earth.

What is going on and what has been going on.

And the more of the picture I'm capable of seeing, the more I understand it.


For me it was a long journey.

I was not trusting media/government even back then on 9/11, but compared to what I know now, I knew nothing back then.

I'm certain for most of us, it was the same.

We had time to adjust.

Now imagine getting all red pills at once / within a very short amount of time.

Would you have been able to swallow them all?

I can admit that I wouldn't have.

It's just too much.

For some even 'just' the child trafficking/pedo networks may be too much to handle.