Anonymous ID: f16b6e Dec. 24, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.7613615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3739

Dear Q,

Some of the patriots have gathered and infiltrated Trump hater groups on lifelog and I know you want us united, but the brain damage the media has caused them is severe. There is no getting through to them. NONE of them know what FISA is..not one..well one said they know about it but just don't care. They think Trump is no longer President and they believe the media when the media says the IG report had nothing in it. Then when we show them pgs 104-105 where it states that the media is complicit, they think the IG report is fake. They think Barr is a mob boss too. Holy shit. I trust the plan and I guess y'all know how to wake them up, but WOW.. the news made them retarded af. The cognitive dissonance is severe. They don't want to see legal documents. Either way, we're planting seeds and tippy top keking. They laugh when we post about FISA lol. And if you ask them to explain what FISA is, they get sooooo triggered.and also, they turn off the comments lmao. They truly believe GEQTUS is Putin's puppet.

Anyway, thanQ all for everything and MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!