Anonymous ID: 3c4b57 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:29 p.m. No.7614438   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OK, Chumbles, less than 5 days after IG report was released and Comey stated with sweeping pomposity, that the report had completely absolved him and his FBI wrt Corssfire Hurricane, Comey had to do a 180, walk down his arrogant, unsupportable statement on TV. The meat of that report had Comey spooked. His attempts to minimize the significance of his mealy mouthed Mea Culpa collapsed when the host pushed him regarding Comey's dissembling.

An IG report looks at a bureau's rules, procedures and policies, how rigorously they are followed, loopholes etc. IG reports only focus employees if there was an attempt to circumvent the rules.

The report skewered not only the FBI as an organization, but also the agencies highest ranking offices and office holders. IG Horrowitz has dropped some big bombs in his two appearances in the Senate, but appropriately left sorting out the criminality to Durham as he has the necessary authority to conduct a proper criminal probe. The IG report even FORCED the hand of the head of the FISC to PUBLICALLY publish a scathing rebuke to the FBI, and a time frame to comply with the FISC orders.

This is big, and this IG report focused only on how Crossfire Hurricane agents went about obtaining and renewing the FISA on Carter Page. The other three FISA's were obtained using the same dubious information as Page's. Already one formerly high ranking FBI atty has likely been indicted.

So keep spewing the sophomoric


if it gets you through the day.

You're gonna need more than

>MUH Nothing EVER habbens

to get anons to stop laughing at your fully tarded posts.