Anonymous ID: 6e8f73 Dec. 24, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.7613981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4129 >>4327 >>4468




Nihilism, American Style: The Americanization of the Idea of Culture


Full thesis attached for those who want to be vigilant at future attempts at cultural subversion


There are at least three major moments of nihilism in American intellectual history. Against European tradition, Emerson had advanced a conception of culture that was radically interpretive, pluralistic and anti-foundationalist, and this eventually worked its way back into the United States through the social sciences (via Nietzsche and then Weber). Likewise, American pragmatist philosophy, conceiving science as serving plural values rooted in human needs, originated with Emerson. The various European conceptions of value had always conceived value as objective and transcendent, and this was reflected in the European ideas of culture; the chasm between subject and object was a feature of the Western intellectual tradition. This notion of transcendent value was discredited, it led in the European tradition to a crisis of nihilism. In contrast, the early American culture idea united (subjectivity) values and culture with objectivity (science and technique); this revolutionary conception conceived value as immanent and not transcendent, and some critics felt that this was a nihilistic betrayal of eternal truths and ideals. By the middle of the twentieth century, especially in the United States, the close union of subject and object characteristic of early twentieth-century American academic theory led to a new kind of nihilism, in the form of the technocratic subordination of values to technique and the negation of existential meaning by rationality in American thought and society. The early balance between an interacting subject and object was lost in positivist pragmatism and in the functionalist social sciences. Since the 1960s, the response to this crisis was ultimately counter-cultural protest, and consisted of undermining the legitimacy of the technocracy by attacking rationality in general. On the theoretical level, this was accomplished primarily by collapsing the distinction between subject (culture) and object (science). However, this libertarian rebellion drew its values of self-expression and self-fulfillment largely from consumerism, and in its quest for greater individual empowerment laid the groundwork for the information age by equating technology with personal creativity. This is an ambiguous victory over the technocracy.

Anonymous ID: 6e8f73 Dec. 24, 2019, 6:45 p.m. No.7614129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4150



+++ I hear some of you saying, "But what does it all mean?" +++


Basically, it means that Trump and his Administration will NOT liberate America or the world. All they can do is to tip the balance, to wake people up, and to pray that we act together UNITED NOT DIVIDED to make the world a better place.



Do not mistake this backchannel [tool] as a means to be complacent.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Your voice and your vote matters.



The people have to wake up and FIGHT.

This means to talk to neighbors, to work on the 2020 campaigns for senators and congressional representatives.

Trump's reelection is all but guaranteed, however the system has been rigged for so long, that only Patriots can turn the tide of the rest of the elections. And not only at the Federal level, but a the State level as well. Look at what happens in California when Trump haters hold the power.


And even then it does not stop. There will be 6% of the population who are hard core communist fanatics, usually calling themselves Progressives. These people will spend the rest of their lives trying to reestablish the same kind of subversive operation that the Cabal did. We must all act against this, meaning we must all work together as a team, to ensure that they have no safe space to build their power.


Notice how Oversight is the magic word for cleaning up the Federal government. Well, we need a lot more oversight in society outside of the government. We need people to randomly sample vaccines, drugs, food products like impossible burger, and do forensic analyses on them, like the kind of analyses that Forensic Scientist Abby Sciuto does on the TV series NCIS. There is an organization called Judicial Watch that does Oversight on politics and government, mostly at the Federal level. But we need dozens more such groups. Some would be almost a copy of Judicial Watch but on a state or municipal level. But many others would be looking at health care, and medicines, processed foods, agricultural products, cars, and so on.


If we the people do not do oversight on governments and corporations then they will inevitably return to corruption and evil ways. The world has changed. Everybody must change with it.

Anonymous ID: 6e8f73 Dec. 24, 2019, 6:50 p.m. No.7614167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Once upon a time, a fellow named Q dropped some advice on us


9 Oct 2018 - 6:42:13 PM

Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]

General Statement:

We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].

Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].

[Process & Planning – Law and Order]

[Military OP]



He waits…

That is what he does…

And I tell you what…


followed tock

followed tick

followed tock

followed tick…



The old sailors return to the bar,


And the drummer hit the beat with all his heart.

Good things come to those who wait…

Where We Go One, We Go ALL!!!

Anonymous ID: 6e8f73 Dec. 24, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.7614220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It starts roughly 12,000 years ago

In the land now known as Mongolia

Where a people who had a high incidence of red hair

In their population, lived like all others

A nomadic lifestyle hunting the abundant wild game

On the open steppe.

Several species of wild horses

Wild goats and sheep

These people were ingenious

They learned how to felt the wool of those sheep

How to spin wool into yarn and weave cloths

And among them were madmen

Because these redheads had a high tendency

Towards schizophrenia.

One of these redheads

Discovered the secret of a wild flower out on the steppe

The Opium poppy


See the equal armed cross in the photo?

This flower whose petals only last one day

Clearly had the power of the sun in it

Tengri smiled on this man

And taught him the secrets of ruling

And made him Kaghan and sent this tribe of Kaghan

To the west, to the land of Shinar


"Persian historian Rashid al-Din recorded in his "Chronicles" that the legendary "glittering" ancestor of Genghis was tall, long-bearded, red-haired, and green-eyed. Rashid al-Din also described the first meeting of Genghis and Kublai Khan, when Genghis was shocked to find that Kublai had not inherited his red hair.[8] Also according to al-Din Genghis's Borjigid clan, had a legend involving their origins: it began as the result of an affair between Alan-ko and a stranger to her land, a glittering man who happened to have red hair and bluish-green eyes"

Anonymous ID: 6e8f73 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:14 p.m. No.7614328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Technocracy was the model adopted by Brzezinski and Rockefeller for the Trilateral Commissions plan to creat a New World Order that would be the one world government.


This article is related to that and to Nihilism, the core philosophy of Communism.


The march of the technocrats

There are lessons to be learnt today from the ‘revolt of the engineers’ in the 1930s

Anonymous ID: 6e8f73 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.7614480   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Shore observers and Coast Guard patrols can only see as far as the next island. So an island in the Great Lakes can be a shield for boat movement. There are some places where small hand powered boats like canoes can easily cross. Once on US territory, even if it is an island, there is no border check to go through.


In areas like this there is lots of boat traffic, both pleasure boats and locals commuting, going shopping, etc.


Good satellite observation can defeat all of this, and I suspect this is now happening.


Plus there are areas like Detroit where there are extensive salt mines both sides of the border, and Grand Island where the river is shallow and easy to tunnel under. Illegal immigrants have been spilling the beans for the past 3 years, telling where and how they entered the USA. Why do you think the Somalis settled in Minnesota so close to the Canadian border?