Anonymous ID: af40ca Dec. 24, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.7613931   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3946 >>4327 >>4468


We said this, at the top of the latest meme bread:


You don't HAVE to redpill friends & fam. But if you want to try,

>>7598150 (in Memes51) has a series of redpilling tips compiled by anons.


Soon, the movie (narrative) created by /ourguys/ will itself redpill folks. However, some people may be in dire need of protection and comfort: some will experience massive, psychologically disturbing, cognitive dissonance as the old fake MSM/liberal/left narrative dissolves and starts to be replaced by the new truthful one. When minds and hearts are ripe for change, then people will start to put things together for themselves. Q's anon army is here to assist in the birthing of a new nation – new world, with the information learned over the past few years.



A really good meme gets inside the audience's point of view so that your message appears to be authentically coming from within their own peer group of people they trust, people just like them.

Advertising psychology works. Advertisers spend tons of money creating ads to influence people's behavior. They do it because it works.

The techniques of advertising may be morally neutral. Are the techniques used for evil purposes or good? We are using these techniques to restore justice, morality and the rule of law in this world. You don't fight evil by adopting evil's ways.

We are at war. Memefags and twatter infantry are on the front lines. It's a cyberwar for people's minds and hearts.

It's a war to prevent our friends, families and communities from going off into a hot war when they discover how terribly the Left and its captive Mainstream Media have betrayed and misled them.

Our battles are battles of persuasion.

The battleground is social media.

Some will take the battle into kitchens and living rooms.

Some will take the battle to community meetings, town halls, rallies.

The majority of the battle happens on social media.

If you can make graphics, you can enlist in Q's memecorps.

If you can do social media, you can enlist in Q's artillery corps.


May God bless you, Patriot, for becoming part of this just cause. May God give us victory.




I often recall Q's admonition to protect and comfort those around us. Not to force those not yet ready. I recall that the narrative (movie) has been created in such a way that it will gradually redpill normie masses – whether the MSM want to cover it or not, they will be forced to.

I often recall Q's early message to prepare messages of reassurance which might be needed.

Q said truth will shine. The truth will stand up for itself. Anons will be there with frens and fam but not forcing the issue, simply listening and nodding as they discover truth for themselves. Asking a few leading questions. Socratic method that Q used on us, can be applied when we talk with confused normies who are in the throes of severe cognitive dissonance.

Anonymous ID: af40ca Dec. 24, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.7614000   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4020 >>4034


Hateful nightfuck.

Anons' strength is that we have different voices that speak to different aspects of human experience. If we were all the same, we would not be able to cover nearly as much ground effectively.

Go bugger a cactus.