Anonymous ID: d52f79 Dec. 24, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.7614120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434


Did you know that General Electric was financially backed by JP Morgan and the Vanderbilts?


Remember we hypothesized that Vanderbilt = Dutch house of Nassau, known as the Princes of Orange.

"Fort Orange" was one of the earliest dutch forts setup in Albany.

The Syracuse Orangemen evolved out of the Methodist Church (Genesee college) which has a strong connection to the Netherlands.

Vanderbilt, a dutch descendant, made an empire expanding the previously dutch lands west through his railroads.

Vanderbilt essentially created Standard Oil and Rockefeller through the joint venture with the Pierpont family and other bankers from New Haven CT.

Edwin Drake was an employee of Vanderbilt's railroads before he was sent off to exploit the Seneca Nation oil in NE PA. (Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company financed Drake and the Seneca Oil Company)


All this to lose it all to Westinghouse and Tesla?

No way.


I thought POTUS's comments in the above clip about GE, Siemens, and his favorite color being "orange" was a nice coincidence.

Anonymous ID: d52f79 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:28 p.m. No.7614434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4442 >>4465


Why is it Q?

Obviously because Q clearance is a DOE classification.

The history of our country is about foreign power control asserting its resources over control of Energy.

Oil. Electricity. Vehicles. Propaganda to undermine you. To wield your energy for their gain, only to inflate it away through inflationary monetary policy.

Vanderbilt and Pierpont created Rockefeller through the Seneca Oil Companies exploitation of KNOWN reserves of oil.

Vanderbilt and JP Morgan created General Electric and financially backed Edison to put a meter on your electricity.

Vanderbilt weaponized oil through the invention of the internal combustion engine and driving the auto industry.

Many businesses within Vanderbilt's grasp thrived with the rise of the Automobile.

The family was driving the idea of the Automobile from the beginning.


Oh by the way, Henry Ford worked for the Edison Illuminating Company of Detroit. >>7614120


There's so much more that connects them.

Anonymous ID: d52f79 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.7614478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I cant find any "Q clearance" connection besides Kaelber…maybe…

He did get sued by Edison, so there's that.

Per my posts this thread, brings in Vanderbilts and Pierpont/Morgon via GE and much more.

Not to mention Ford/Jag…or John Fucking Baring.

I can't keep myself from sperging.

I'm legitimately going fucking crazy.

Anonymous ID: d52f79 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:40 p.m. No.7614532   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It's time for direct anon interaction because the coincidences are too much.

He either knows, or I'm fucking crazy.

I realized his birthday today. I never really knew it by heart.

I can mark that up as a coincidence,

but what about Ives & Harris?

What about Eastman Dental?

What about Kaelber and Bausch?

I heard Hamilton is nice in april of 28.

I don't want to dox myself, (I just did).

I'm fucking 4 degrees of separation or less from John fucking Baring,

from the Zamil family

from Edison, Vanderbilt, Hollywood…

Anons, can you imagine if you realized "you" are smack dab in the middle of all this shit,


Census important, huh Q? Funny you bring that up…

Funny we use the marines raising old glory on Iwo Jima,

An event that Navy Secretary Forrestal observed with reverence.

Who did he say that to? Hmmmm.

What did he go on to do? hmmmmm.

Am I going fucking crazy?