(((Deep state)))) couldn't get a war with Russia to genocide the poor, mostly southern and extremely patriotic white Americans in our military, so now they're trying to get China to kill us off instead.
Who gives a shit about the BLUE WAVE in November when Republicans are basically voting for the same exact things?
Based on their actions, I believe this.
Seriously, what benefit have Jews brought to the western world? Name one.
Q is leaving you hanging rn. Just sitting back laughing, counting his shekels.
Imagine believing there are good people in the military and not losers who can't make it in the private world, people who want to murder poor folks on the other side of the planet, and just plain soulless mercs.
"Q anon team"
As if you contributed a single fucking thing here, kike. You're just here for selfish reasons, like everything else you do in your parasitic life.
>Wednesday night
How many drugs are you on rn?
What's the deal with re-posting the same complaints and concernfagging shit hour after hour, day after day?
I think if you kill yourself 4x quicker with a gun or rope alone, the board would be a better place.
The normies are so fucking retarded, they haven't even figured out why Q chose /ourboard/ to post in the first place. It must be killing them that he didn't go to reddit or kikebook instead. Q chose /pol/ because /pol/ is always right and they still aren't ready for the truth.
Another based grandma they put in jail for asking the wrong questions.
To know who rules over you, just ask who you can't criticize.
Why do you think Q came to /ourboard/? And not your kike controlled shitholes?
Jews will jail your 89 year old grandmothers for asking the wrong questions.
You honestly think they are your allies?
There wouldn't be anti semites if semites weren't trying to destroy our people and our way of life.
This is the ideal American from a Jewish perspective. Why else would they drain our tax dollars to promote this?