Speaking of IRAN……
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) played a large role in Iran's nuclear agreement and has maintained involvement with Iran since. RBF President Stephen Heintz is a co-founder of The Iran Project.
The Iran Project Welcomes the Announcement of a Framework for a Comprehensive Nuclear Agreement with Iran
sauce: https:// www.rbf.org/news/iran-project-welcomes-announcement-framework-comprehensive-nuclear-agreement-iran-0
The Iran Project Releases Statement in Support of the JCPOA and Diplomacy
sauce:https:// www.rbf.org/jcopa-statement-in-support-of-diplomacy
The Rockefeller Fund Spent Millions to Make the Iran Deal Happen
sauce: https:// www.frontpagemag.com/point/259366/rockefeller-fund-spent-millions-make-iran-deal-daniel-greenfield
The Rockefellers have been selling off assets and raising quite a bit of money ever since ol' Davey Boy Rockefeller kicked the bucket. These assets include large estates in Maine and New York, as well as loads of valuable items from the estate in a Christie's auction. As required by Davey Boy's will, all money raised from selling these assets is to be (and has been) donated to charities, one of the main ones being the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
David Rockefeller's Sprawling Maine Estate Sells for $19 Million
sauce: https:// www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/real-estate/g10363858/david-rockefeller-maine-house/
Rockefeller Estate Sells for 50% Over Its $22 Million Asking Price
sauce: https:// www.wsj.com/articles/rockefeller-estate-sells-for-50-over-its-22-million-asking-price-1520633667
David Rockefeller’s Estate Sale May Hit $1 Billion
sauce: https:// www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-07/david-rockefeller-s-estate-sale-at-christie-s-may-hit-1-billion
Given all the $$$ raised by these sales and auctions (the Christie's auction was estimated to bring between $500m and $1b), the Rockefeller Brothers Fund might have some play money to try to meddle in our ongoing and upcoming adventures with Iran.