tock tock Q-USA, here from swisse T.
Since the Q movement I feel for the first time hope for us US the WORLD. For so long you've (USA) been driving us all into this hole so badly shit. You have been the worst of all. And now i feel - hope that you turn around now and get peaceful. You know…
1948 Italian election manipulation.
1950 North Korea Bombed.
1953 Iran Fall of government.
1954 Guatemala government sturtz.
1961 Cuba.
1964 Vietnam Golf of Tonkins.
1973 11.09 Chile Pinochet.
1979 Afghanistan CIA Muchahedin suply.
1979 Sadam Hussein.
1980 Khomeini.
1988 Iran Iraqe.
1986 Libya.
1990 Khuweit.
1991 Desert Storm.
1999 Joguslavia "just it go on" fake.
2001 09/11. War on Terror. WTC7.
2001 Afghanistan.
2003 Iraq.
2011 Libya. Nato. 2011 Syria CIA Timbo S.
2014 Ukraine Puch 5 Mia.
Agent Orange.
Obama bombed 7 countries in 2016 alone,
Somal Yemen Pakistan Afghanistan Iraq Syria Lybia.
This is not a simple Imperial problem frands. Understand … But now there is us Q POTUS Q us… the time has come :) we are making history. Lets go on ouer knees and pray hardly to fulfill this all in a peaceful whay. t.