Anonymous ID: 200b01 Dec. 25, 2019, 4:47 a.m. No.7616918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6943 >>6976 >>7176 >>7559





Posted on VOAT regarding same:


OP, I like a lot of your posts. But this article is spinning a false narrative. So don't take it personal what I'm about to say. I only care about truth and I think that the seriousness of the matters at hand require that we be careful in accusing people.


This judge didn't "erase evidence" nor was she part of the coup. Hear me out.


When Admiral Rogers discovered that these illegal queries were taking place, he documented it and blew the whistle. Part of blowing that whistle was telling this FISA judge what had happened.


The judge was pissed when she found out. Part of what she did to play her part in assisting Rogers was to order the perps to cease the illegal gathering of data on Americans (people like you and me) and to erase the illegally obtained data on those Americans (again, people like you and me).


This is being conflated with her allegedly "erasing evidence" or trying to "cover for the coup plotters" and that simply isn't what happened.


The evidence that they illegally tapped the database was already collected by Rogers, presented to her, and wasn't going anywhere.


She wasn't telling anyone to erase that evidence. she was telling the perps to stop doing illegal shit and to get rid of the illegal shit they had already obtained.


I can see how that could be conflated wrongly, but on the other hand this publication you cite is irresponsible as fuck for having done so as everything I'm saying here was made known in the last couple of years.


I'm quite sure that Rogers even testified as much.


The lady judge ain't part of the coup, guys. She was helping Rogers.


So stop with the reactionary bullshit and calling for her crucifixion, people.


Q asked you to think for yourselves and to give a shit about facts. What I'm seeing with this post and in the comments section is the opposite of that.


If you don't believe me, dig into it instead of just taking this bullshit article at face value.


I remember seeing the information that I'm stating come from several reputable whitehats over the last couple of years, and I'm about 90% sure one of them was Rogers himself in his testimony.


Let's be careful who we're flaming and who we're accusing of such things, because these are serious charges. Not everyone in government is part of the coup. There are some people in government who want what's right, and how are we helping if we lump those people in with the shitbags?


Falsely charging people is what Dems do, not us. We're better than that.


And as far as the HAMR goes, it was a parallel platform that had the same capabilities as the properly used NSA version, but it was secret and outside of the normal channels. Meaning the use of HAMR was never anything that was approved by any judge because none of the judges ever knew it existed, much less were they petitioned for warrants to use it..because it was ILLEGAL in the first place. None of the judges even knew it ducking existed. It was a secret pet project between Obama and that piece of shit Brennan, completely outside of any legal channels.


So trying to blame her for that, too, is bullshit. Neither she nor Rogers knew that parallel shit even existed.


So everyone, chill on this "everyone is a DS asset" shit, seriously.