Anonymous ID: 3f9aec Dec. 25, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.7617159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7405


Top kek, Rudy is a genius, he is using divide and conquer against Jewish collective power.

This will only make the lefties support Israel even less (despite 80% of Jews voting commie and 95% of the Jews being pro-Israel), and it opens the door of public discourse to show that Soros and israel are 2 sides of the same coin, because Israel protects Soros while not allowing him to operate in Israel, and Soros was made by the same people that founded Israel. - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”



95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…




Research conducted in 2013 by Pew showed that 76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.


Anonymous ID: 3f9aec Dec. 25, 2019, 7:10 a.m. No.7617475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How can a guy with his track record of fucking up the mob big time not be a genius?

And Trump wouldn't hire a fool.

I keep my bet on Rudy being a very high IQ nibba.