Anonymous ID: ac0069 Dec. 25, 2019, 4:43 a.m. No.7616910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6968 >>7028 >>7159

>>7616773 /pb



that's different kinda sauce your waving there,

without a screenshot and a TIMEstamp;


for example:


"Soros has funded many enemies to the State of Israel,

including groups that support BDS, who’s ultimate goal is to destroy the Jewish homeland.


Those who oppose these groups are not only better Jews, but better people than him.

Most certainly not anti-Semitic.

11:40 AM - 24 Dec 2019


any this MEMEfagotz in /lb: >>7616772, >>7616748 got a smthn on muhSOR000000z with SANTA?


btw: EO# Executive Order 13900 of December 17, 2019

Providing for the Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on December 24, 2019

^^^^^has an Expiration Date.


What shift is this?


HOLD TheLINEfrens! PrayerSHIFT: PrayersUP o7 too LIGHTourPATH, NavigatorZ 5:5


A BIG X [marker(s)] This Day of UNboxING in some households traditionz and transitions;


Anonymous ID: ac0069 Dec. 25, 2019, 6:10 a.m. No.7617200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252 >>7322



Qpost# 953 {9+5+3 (=17)}

"Deep State Corruption Runs Deep"

Q !UW.yye1fxo

[17] Mar 2018 - 3:03:41 PM


{17+3{March} (=20)} Dminus {3+0+3+4+1 (=11)}


=>20 minus 11 (=[9])


>>7617053 C17 RHC 223 >HRC 322!!!=



>Air Mobility Command cargo aircraft.


datz a HAULER y'all howler, but what that MUTHA Bee Haulin?





>Flew into atlantic ocean. disappred due to lack of radar over.


would that me in daGENERAL Direction of #GITmoar ?


or moar specific into Gulf of MeHEko?

Thanks for KEEPinWATCH o7

Anonymous ID: ac0069 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.7617601   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Cybercommand retweeted DOD’s 23




but HEY! floats your boat too, they run 'silent too' :D


CyberSPACE is too MEME,

hope is to have moar SPACEforce n FROGz

like these FINEST Patriots:

<pics related