Anonymous ID: d4d2e4 Dec. 25, 2019, 5:34 a.m. No.7617052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7114 >>7132 >>7178 >>7325 >>7436 >>7559

Merry Christmas fens!

Since it’s a slow morning on the board I want to put some things I have been thinking about out there.

1) Who is going to run as VP? I haven’t seen any Trump/Pence 2020 signs. They all just say Trump 2020. Any thoughts?

2) A lot of folks speculated that Pence was dirty b/c his wife got a envelope at Poopy’s funeral. I think she got one for show b/c all the other wives got one.

3) There is talk that Barry hasn’t endorsed Biden b/c his is waiting for his wife Big Mike to enter the race and endorse they/them?

Talk amongst yourselves…..