Anonymous ID: f715e2 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.7617591   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7600 >>7603


You think BIG is loud, smokey and it's going stand in your way for you to see it?


BIG is Brilliant, Ingenious and Gifted.


BIG is by the fucking time you realize what is going down you realize you lost so fucking long ago.


BIG is a

BOOM! from Dutch bommen โ€˜to hum, buzzโ€™

BIG is a

IMPEACHMENT from Late Latin impedicare "to fetter, catch, entangle,"

BIG is a

GREETING In English, German, and Dutch, the primary sense has become "to salute," but the word once had much broader meaning. Perhaps originally "to resound" (via notion of "cause to speak"), causative of Proto-Germanic grรฆtanan, root of Old English grรฆtan (Anglian gretan) "weep, bewail," from PIE gher- (2) "to call out." Greet still can mean "cry, weep" in Scottish & northern England dialect, though this might be from a different root. Grรฆtan probably also is the source of the second element in regret.