Anonymous ID: 5f3982 Dec. 25, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.7618482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q told us to



What if we had already been warned?

It must be something in the water


This song is by

Coleman Hell


Take away the two towers at the end

And rearrange the remaining letters

Coleman He



Will somebody who changes colors,

Try to poison us

By adding something to the water?


What about SYNTHETIC FENTANYL derivatives

Which are know to be 100 times more potent

And we really don't know how much more powerful it can be made

What if the UK Novichok poisoning

Was actually caused by a tiny trace of

Synthetic Fentanyl

That the culprits accidentally ingested?

Remember that Q had warned about a poison

That was being shipped from China

To Europe, to the UK…

Anonymous ID: 5f3982 Dec. 25, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.7618658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But the main demographic that is not offended by the shill memes and dick pics is young people 12 to 16 years old. So they all stay here.


Mind you, in the movie The Accountant at the end, they reveal the identity of Anonymous. She is an autist about 14 or 15 yo.


These kids have never really fallen asleep. So they don't need the advice of the Zen Master, to cultivate child mind. Last night on the board, a very notable 13yo was posting photos that more or less IDed him as someone close to POTUS. Either that, or Q was emulating a kid.

Anonymous ID: 5f3982 Dec. 25, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.7618782   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ever hear the expression (or complaint) that…

It's like herding cats!

Well that is what is happening with sanctions.

The countries that are under sanction are not being punished.

They are being herded, forced, to work out their relationships with their neighbors.


..—-.. #PeaceIsThePrize ..—-..

This requires countries WorldWide to have reasonably friendly relations with their neighbors.

It's the same prescription that Q has prescribed for WeThePeople in his drop on Complacence


We must all work together, and fight for our rights

We can't just expect a new Big Brother government to fix it all for us.

The Q movement is about We The People standing up and taking control over our own sovereign government.

Ask yourself this question…

In the USA, who is SOVEREIGN?

Anonymous ID: 5f3982 Dec. 25, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.7618826   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Who knew it was so easy to get nigger videos posted on Twitter?

I guess that technique that was used with the Steele memo really does work.

You can get any old piece of shit recognized in the public eye.

Anonymous ID: 5f3982 Dec. 25, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.7618966   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Of course, in Israel where a huge percentage of the population is Russian, Putin has many options that do not involve a shooting war. Think Sun Tzu, France's Yellow Vests, Hong Kong's umbrella movement.


We are in the midst of World War III and have been since 2014, but there is not a lot of shooting or people dying. That is because The Plan is not just the Trump Presidency. There really is a group, The Alliance of aliens (in other words, citizens of foreign countries, mostly military) who are working together to clean out the enemy who are…


A Transnational Criminal Conspiracy Network


Think about it. The Cabal is teamed up with the Mafia, the nDrangheta, Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban, The Triads, Yakuza, Drug Cartels and so on. They are no longer separate independent groups. Like the IRA who teamed up with Colombian drug cartels, these groups have now formed a Globalist government of crime. In the USA and many other countries, they own a political class called the Deep State.


So Putin and Trump really are colluding against the Democrats. That is because Putin and Trump are working for the Alliance, and the Democrats are part of the Globalist Crime Machine. I have asked myself why the Democrats never pointed fingers at the Real Channels between Russia and Trump and I think the answer is…

… because the real backchannel is inside the US Military at very high levels

And the Democrats know this very well, and are still praying that their sleepers inside the military can do something about it. But because the Trump Administration and the NSA own comms, the Dems are unable to communicate with sleepers other than in the most crude open public ways, and those are only one way.

Unfortunately, the Cabal and friends don't have the experience with war and combat to set up multiple backup channels.

Anonymous ID: 5f3982 Dec. 25, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.7619048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9067



I googled Alabama Trash Can Spelling

to learn more. And look what I found…


Alabama Trash Can

The art of spreading a girl's vagina, vomiting inside, and having sex afterwards.

Hey man, i gave this girl the Alabama Trash Can the other day. Is that gay?

Anonymous ID: 5f3982 Dec. 25, 2019, 11:50 a.m. No.7619126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9143



The Numbers Seventeen and One Hundred Fifty-Three


1+2+3+4+5+…+17 = 153


In Hebrew, JZ is Yod Zayin which is 10 + 17 = 17


You've got to dig, and dig deep to find the secret of the Rod and the Ring

I O = Q = Qoph

Rod = Cross

Ring = Crown

Q = Knights Templar