>Jew is an irrelevant detail
That sir is the biggest mistake anyone can make.
The agents of Satan aka Jehovah aka Enlil have been given a covenant to destroy that which creator (aka Enki the light bringer) has made. Why do you think "god" aka Jehovah ordered his people to go about KILLING everyone in the OT.
Go ahead, excuse the Jews–it's your funeral. Not everyone is a fucking retard. And no, not all Jews–but just like not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorists are Muslims–same goes for the Jews. As a tribe, as a group, they are running a program–a superiority program–they are the authors of everything, from consumerism (see Century of Self) to degeneracy (See Wiemar Republic) to the bullshit education textbooks (go see who writes them for yourself)…every fucking single time there is a Jew.
The "program" they are running is designed to destroy and control. Why do they own all the media? Why do they own all the DNA companies? You'd better wake the fuck up. There are SOME Jews working against the program (such as Steve Miller)…and not the genetic Jews (like the palestinians) these monsters have a plan and it's not good for anyone.