Anonymous ID: e56aeb Dec. 25, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.7619123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9343 >>9468 >>9668 >>9726 >>9739 >>9793

GOP senator ‘disturbed’ by McConnell’s impeachment stance


GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski said in a new interview that she was “disturbed” over Mitch McConnell’s comment that he would work in “total coordination” with the White House during the upcoming impeachment trial in the Senate.


“And in fairness, when I heard that I was disturbed,” Murkowski told KTUU, the NBC affiliate in Anchorage in her home state of Alaska.


“To me it means that we have to take that step back from being hand in glove with the defense, and so I heard what leader McConnell had said, I happened to think that that has further confused the process,” she said during the interview, which aired Tuesday.


Democrats have slammed the Senate majority leader, calling on him to allow witnesses and asserting that his pro-President Trump stance won’t result in a fair trial.


Murkowski is one of only a handful of moderate Republican senators who might break from the party’s strong support of the president, though Trump was expected to survive his impeachment by the House, as two-thirds of the GOP-led upper chamber would have to agree to give him the boot.


Unlike pro-Trump colleagues, such as McConnell and Sen. Lindsey Graham who said they were ready to vote and don’t need to hear any witnesses, Murkowski said she would not “prejudge” the case against the president.


“For me to prejudge and say there’s nothing there, or on the other hand, ‘he should be impeached yesterday,’ that’s wrong. In my view, that’s wrong,” she said.


“If it means that I am viewed as one who looks openly and critically at every issue in front of me rather than acting as a rubber stamp for my party or my president, I am totally good with that. I am totally, totally good with that,” she continued.


Murkowski’s comments come days after fellow GOP moderate Sen. Susan Collins of Maine also expressed disapproval with McConnell’s assertion that he would have “total coordination with White House counsel.”


The House voted earlier this month in favor of two articles of impeachment in a largely party-line vote, one charging the president with abusing the power of his office for personal gain while the other is obstruction of Congress for stonewalling the House probe.


Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California had not sent them to the Senate as leaders of the upper chamber debate the Senate trial process.


The Kentucky Republican said Monday the talks about a trial are in limbo until senators return to Washington in a couple of weeks, and has resisted Democrats’ calls for top administration officials to testify.

Anonymous ID: e56aeb Dec. 25, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.7619447   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Andy Ngo



Remember the graphic photo showing the elderly Portland man drenched in blood following an antifa attack on June 29? Here is video showing how the mob beat him with weapons. They then mobbed the man who ran in to help. Only one person was held accountable.

Anonymous ID: e56aeb Dec. 25, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.7619751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran Again Blocks Internet & Mobile Service Ahead Of Protesters' Funerals


Fearing the potential for renewed protests and violent clashes with police, Iran has again blocked internet and mobile access to broad section of the country on Wednesday.


This as several funerals will be held over the coming days for protesters killed last month amid a severe government crackdown, which also witness an unprecedented nationwide internet blockage which lasted for a week or more in some provinces.


Citing Iranian state media, Bloomberg reports, "The mourning services are scheduled to begin on Thursday. The independent Shargh newspaper said five unidentified provinces will be subject to the blackout, while ILNA said internet users in those areas will have access to a limited number of state-approved Iran websites and applications."


Government authorities are reportedly acting in response to relatives of some among the killed who have posted to social media calling for renewed protests to be held on Thursday in conjunction with ceremonies commemorating the victims (various estimates put those killed from the November protests ranging from 200 to over 300, with the US State Dept. claiming multiple times that number).


The US as well as various human rights organizations have accused Tehran authorities of quelling protests — initially sparked by a huge gas price hike when subsidies were slashed — with live ammunition and other brutal tactics.


Thus it appears the government is making a move to prevent large-scale protests before they gain momentum. State-run ILNA said of the mobile and internet blockage: “According to this source, it is possible that more provinces will be affected by the shutdown of mobile international connectivity,” after it appeared to spread on Wednesday.


Confirmed: Evidence of mobile internet disruption in parts of #Iran beginning ~6:30 a.m. (03:00 UTC); real-time network data show two distinct drops in connectivity this morning amid reports of regional outages; incident ongoing 📉 #Internet4Iran




— (@netblocks) December 25, 2019


And internet blockage observatory NetBlocks said, according to Reuters: “Confirmed: Evidence of mobile internet disruption in parts of #Iran …real-time network data show two distinct drops in connectivity this morning amid reports of regional outages; incident ongoing.”


Washington has condemned such attempts to dramatically restrict communications; however, Iran's leadership has said it is taking efforts to thwart external US-Saudi-Israeli regime change efforts to hijack and guide the protests.

Anonymous ID: e56aeb Dec. 25, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.7619783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Giuliani associate Lev Parnas can’t afford attorney fees: lawyer


Rudy Giuliani pal Lev Parnas is in such dire financial straits that one of his lawyers has asked to be taken off his case, according to a Christmas Eve court filing.


Edward MacMahon, a Virginia-based lawyer, is one of two attorneys defending Parnas from allegations he violated campaign finance laws while paying politicians and a pro-Trump super PAC.


In a motion filed in Manhattan federal court, MacMahon explained that, since he entered the case in October to represent Parnas at a bail hearing, the Ukraine-born businessman’s funds have dwindled.


“Since I entered my appearance, Mr. Parnas’ apparent ability to fund his defense has diminished,” MacMahon wrote. “It thus would constitute a significant hardship for Mr. Parnas to continue being represented by two attorneys in this matter.”


Parnas has consented to MacMahon leaving the case, the motion states, which would leave New York-based attorney Joseph Bondy as Parnas’ sole defense attorney if a judge MacMahon’s request.


Parnas, who helped Giuliani in Ukraine in his effort to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, is charged in the payoff scheme alongside fellow Giuliani crony Igor Fruman.


Both men have pleaded not guilty to the charges.