Is Chief Justice John Roberts a Democrat Sleeper Judge?
>Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has Voted with the 4 Liberal Judges on the Most Important Decisions
Roberts Voted Yes on Obamacare
His "dramatic switch" to vote with the 4 Liberal Democrat Judges surprised many people.
>Was Judge Roberts Blackmailed?
Judge Roberts and his wife Jane Sullivan Roberts adopted 2 blond children in 2000. A boy and a girl, both infants at the time, about 4 months apart in age. They've been said to have been adopted from a Latin American country- something inconsistent with their Nordic coloring.It was a private adoption, done without an agency. It was arranged privately with the birth parents.The suspicion was that the children came from Ireland.
If Judge Roberts' kids came from Ireland, that would have been 2 illegal adoptions because
Irish law bars both private adoptions and adoptions that take children out of Ireland
After Judge Roberts Voted Yes for Obamacare, why did he flee to Malta for 2 weeks?
Chief Justice John Roberts Voted No on the Citizenship Question on the Census 2020
"but only after changing his position behind the scenes". Again, a surprising switcheroo to vote with the 4 Liberal Judges.
Was Chief Justice Roberts Compromised by the Obama Era of Corruption?
Although Roberts began his career on the court significantly tending to vote conservatively, this trend diminished over time to the point in which in two terms, 2013 and 2014,Roberts actually voted in the liberal direction more frequently than he did in the conservative direction.
Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed All the Judges of the FISA Court
The court's judges are appointed solely by the Chief Justice of the United States without confirmation or oversight by the U.S. Congress.
Upcoming in the next Supreme Court Term 2020:
*Second Amendment Gun Rights
*End Deportation Protection for 800,000 "DREAMers"
*The Definition of "sex" (transgender)
>Judge Roberts is called the "Swing Vote" but which side does he really "swing for" on the Biggest Issues?
5-3, really?
If/when RBG is declared Dead, that leaves 8 Justices.
If Chief Justice Roberts votes with the remaining 3 Liberal Judges, we will have
>What happens when the Supreme Court is Deadlocked 4-4?
The Supreme Court Chief Justice Presides Over the Senate Impeachment Trial of a President
Do we need to see Chief Justice Roberts' Adoption Papers and Bank Payments?
>2012 - Obama's Birth Certificate
2020 - John Roberts' Adoption Papers