Fren anon says historical crossing didn't habben at midnight, was delayed some hours
and part of the force didn't make it across
and two men died
Fren anon says historical crossing didn't habben at midnight, was delayed some hours
and part of the force didn't make it across
and two men died
fact 2: Washington’s attack plan included three separate river crossings, but only one made it across
fact 7: Washington’s carefully planned timetable was woefully behind schedule and Washington contemplated canceling the attack.
Sorry. Didn't mean to trigger y'all.
Nah, you weren't the one triggered.
The other two I replied to were.
Frenanon is history buff and read long articles about the crossing this morning.
Mentioned a couple things to me & I typed.
Didn't realize anons would ask for sauce on US history event that's well documented & habbened long ago.
Kek. Nailed them.
No, spouseanon isn't watching the chan ATM.