>>7620454 lb
Plus ultra in German is Jenseits
It means YONDER and is
There they go,
Up in the wild blue yonder
Flying high
Up in the sky.
Google this for UFO info
Jenseits Flugmaschine
And learn about the Vril women channeling spirits to learn advanced technology.
I believe that Walter Bosley's translation of NJMza is wrong and that the J is Jenseits. I also believe that NYMA has two meanings, one is New York Military Academy but the secret one includes Y meaning Yonder
Look at the date it was founded.
It was at NYMA that Military Freemasons recruited a certain unruly teenager and taught him how to go beyond his own petty sel interests and join in the fight to liberate the human race from the Cul of ConArtists that had controlled humanity for 1000s of years. They probably did not know then that he would be president, but given his Cabal ancestry, he was a good bet for being an effective superman.
Read Norman Vincent Peale's books to learn the secrets of the mental training that can turn you into a superman. No Cabal-style torture is needed.