I suspect big things are happening behind the scenes today. Seeing a lot of interesting comms I can't quite decode - locally, nationally, and globally. Rare I see all three.
and yet you are here on Christmas of all days. Enjoy the paycheck for trying to dispirit folks?
I think that's just expected to be tweeted today. But perhaps we will get presents, albeit I'm sure it'd just in making the country greater for 99.99% of us - removing evil and all that jazz
I'm sure comms will be a mandated class in the future for a whole host of reasons. Could replace one of countless classes designed to brainwash - and the benefit is it allows a person to understand the basics of what the history of the world really is. Necessary for so many reasons.
given how close we are to the election now - big things are necessarily moving. I seriously doubt the plan would allow for potentially losing 2020 - everything has to happen within months and some things are best suited for a Christmas break to happen.
this is the last guaranteed one Trump has.
that is interesting https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2019-12-25/brazils-bolsonaro-says-he-had-partial-memory-loss-after-a-fall-this-week -
He was a hard fought victory for patriot control so I always pay attention to news involving him. Very curious.