Anonymous ID: 9a587e Dec. 25, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.7621503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Has the Childhood Home of Jesus Been Found?


Jesus’ home in Nazareth


The childhood home of Jesus may have been found underneath the Sisters of Nazareth Convent in Nazareth, Israel, according to archaeologist Ken Dark.


The excavation site located beneath the convent has been known since 1880, but it was never professionally excavated until the Nazareth Archaeological Project began its work in 2006. In “Has Jesus’ Nazareth House Been Found?” in the March/April 2015 issue of BAR, Ken Dark, the director of the Nazareth Archaeological Project, not only describes the remains of the home itself, but explores the evidence that suggests that this is the place where Jesus spent his formative years—or at least the place regarded in the Byzantine period as the childhood home of Jesus.


The excavation revealed a first-century “courtyard house” that was partially hewn from naturally occurring rock and partially constructed with rock-built walls. Many of the home’s original features are still intact, including doors and windows. Also found at the site were tombs, a cistern and, later, a Byzantine church.

Anonymous ID: 9a587e Dec. 25, 2019, 7:01 p.m. No.7621551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spain: Populist Vox supporters call for Spain to exit the EU


Supporters from Spain’s Vox party have called for Spain to exit the European Union after the European Court of Justice ruled that jailed Catalan separatist Oriol Junqueras should have parliamentary immunity.


Talks of a Spanish exit from the EU come just days after officials in Poland claimed that a Polish exit from the EU may be in the cards. Vox’s party leader Santiago Abascal has condemned the ECJ ruling as an offensive infringement on Spain’s national sovereignty, The Telegraph reports.


Junqueras was one of nine pro-independence leaders who were jailed by Spanish authorities following the unauthorized Catalonian independence referendum in 2017.


Despite his arrest, Jungueras was elected to the European Parliament as MEP in last May’s elections.


This week the ECJ rejected Madrid’s argument that Junqueras failed to qualify to be an MEP since he hadn’t sworn an oath to the Spanish constitution. EU judges in Luxembourg then ruled that Junqueras, who was sentenced to 13 years in prison for sedition, should be freed due to his parliamentary immunity.


In response to the ECJ ruling, Abascal said: “Because of EU courts, terrorists and rapists (who have raped women again) were released. Now they are slapping us in the face by making Puigdemont an MEP.”


“Spain (as other countries do) should not abide by any judgment of those who attack our sovereignty and security,” the Vox president wrote on Twitter. “Vox is not going to allow any more humiliations.”


According to the latest polls, national populist Vox, which grabbed 52 seats in Spanish parliament at the last election, is still Spain’s third-largest party with 16.2 percent of the vote.

Anonymous ID: 9a587e Dec. 25, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.7621581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1655 >>1913 >>2056 >>2135

France: Nativity play in Toulouse attacked by far-left, anti-Christian mob


A Nativity play in the French city of Toulouse had to be cut short after a mob of fifty anti-Christian, far-left militants insulted and attacked the event’s participants and spat on a priest.


The anti-Christian attack occurred on Saturday, December 14th at the Place Saint-Georges living nativity scene. The performance had been organized to celebrate the traditional spirit of Christmas and to emphasize the non-consumeristic aspects of the holy day, Infos Toulouse reports.


The celebration was quickly interrupted by a mob of 50 so-called “anti-fascists” who hurled vicious insults at the event’s crowd, participants, and priests while they shouted anti-Christian slogans. Members of the far-left group argued “that the event was illegal” because France is a secular state.


As a result of the attack, organizers were forced to shut the event down and to evacuate the frightened children.


One demonstrator allegedly forced his way into the square before he filmed himself attacking and spitting on a priest. After the rabid attacker was forced to leave the scene, he later came back and physically attacked a journalist, throwing his camera on the ground and breaking it. Eventually, event security forcibly removed the man.


Archbishop of Toulouse Monseigneur Le Gall, condemned the anti-Christian attack in a press release, writing: “This joyful manifestation during which Christmas carols are sung, Nativity scenes played by children and adults, helped by multiple animals, has no other purpose than to give depth to this celebration. As Arch Archbishop of Toulouse, I regret that the simple reminder of the birth of Jesus and the values ​​that it conveys (welcoming from abroad, announcement of Peace and sign of tenderness that we all need) is no longer respected in our country and even provokes acts of verbal and physical violence from those who set themselves up as defenders of freedom. I invite everyone to peacefully defend freedom of expression and to respect the history and traditions of our country.”


Sadly, anti-Christian attacks in France have become commonplace. Earlier this year in March, Voice of Europe reported on a string of attacks in France which saw historic Catholic churches desecrated, vandalized, and set ablaze. Anti-Christian militants have torn down crosses, smashed statues, knocked down tabernacles, and have destroyed the Eucharist, among other horrific acts.

Anonymous ID: 9a587e Dec. 25, 2019, 8:02 p.m. No.7621954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York Times whines that Trump didn’t hold Christmas party for them


The New York Times hates everything and anything about Trump. They are even butthurt over the fact that Trump didn’t hold any media Christmas parties for them and the rest of the left wing hate Trump media. The title of this hilarious New York Times stories reads: “Donald Trump Has Drained the Swamp (of Good Christmas Parties).” The New York Times even whines about oyster towers. You can’t make this stuff up.

New York Times whines that Trump didn’t hold Christmas party for them

New York Times whines that Trump didn't hold Christmas party for them


This Christmas, could you please spare a thought for the truly unfortunate: D.C. political journalists deprived of holiday parties surrounded by members of the Trump Administration (whom they despise)?


The front of the New York Times Sunday Styles section was a microcosm of self-absorbed journalists indulging themselves over the holidays: “The Pall Before Christmas.” It was written by Shawn McCreesh, previously an editorial assistant to Maureen Dowd and who here shares Dowd’s contemptuous irreverence toward Trump


It takes some gall, after prominent Democrats have encouraged confrontation of Trump staffers (and the Times running op-eds advocating “doxxing” migrant detention center employees), for the paper to suddenly wonder where everyone is.


When TIME Magazine Named Hitler ‘Man Of The Year’ 1938


In January 2nd 1939, TIME magazine announced the “Man of the Year” 1938. This man was no other than the infamous leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler.


And even though this may seem very weird, TIME magazine explains that the “Man of the Year” title is not solely given to people with positive effects on the world. For example, in 2001, one of the main contestants was Osama Bin Laden (the title was given to New York’s the mayor Rudolph Giuliani).


In 1938, Hitler was one of the dominant figures in Europe and, in that year, it started what later became the greatest threatening force the democratic world has ever faced.

Anonymous ID: 9a587e Dec. 25, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.7622036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Internal documents: T-Mobile considered merger with Comcast following Sprint deal


T-Mobile is putting all its resources behind getting the mega-merger with Sprint across the finish line. But when that’s done, could T-Mobile go after an even bigger deal?


A “confidential” strategy document from late 2015, revealed as part of the lawsuit from several states seeking to block the T-Mobile-Sprint deal, lays out a playbook for helping the company grow over the next few years. It starts with a merger with then-struggling Sprint, followed by the suggestion of a subsequent merger with Comcast or another large cable company.


It’s worth noting that T-Mobile has done something similar to this plan already, when it acquired acquired Denver-based Layer3 for $325 million in late 2017. However, the Layer3 deal is nowhere near the size and scale of a potential merger with the nation’s biggest cable carrier.


Earlier this year, T-Mobile launched its first TV offering based on a smart set-top box that gets to know viewing habits. However, the service is not exactly the big cable disruptor that the self-proclaimed “Un-carrier” hinted at for more than a year.


It’s unclear if the acquisition of Layer3 quenched executives’ thirst for a big cable deal, or if an idea like merging with Comcast or another big company is still on the table. We’ve reached out to T-Mobile for comment and we will update this post if we hear back.

Anonymous ID: 9a587e Dec. 25, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.7622077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2135

Justice Department Announces Addendum to Swiss Bank Program Category 2 Non-Prosecution Agreement with Coutts & Co Ltd.

Coutts to Pay Additional $27.9 Million for Undisclosed Accounts


The Department of Justice announced today that it has signed an Addendum to a non-prosecution agreement with Coutts & Co Ltd. (Coutts), a private Swiss bank headquartered in Zurich. The original non-prosecution agreement was signed on Dec. 23, 2015. At that time, Coutts reported that it held and managed 1,337 U.S. related accounts, with assets under management exceeding $2 billion, and paid a penalty of $78,484,000. In reaching today’s agreement, Coutts acknowledges that it should have disclosed additional U.S.-related accounts to the Department at the time of the signing of the non-prosecution agreement.


“This agreement reflects our commitment to ensuring that foreign banks that participated in the Swiss Bank Program fully comply with their obligations to disclose accounts in which U.S. taxpayers have direct or indirect interests,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard E. Zuckerman of the Justice Department’s Tax Division. “When any person or entity makes false, incomplete, or misleading disclosures to the Department, the Department will hold those persons or entities accountable.”

Anonymous ID: 9a587e Dec. 25, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.7622102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As usual all for our benefit until they got all the info they want/need then use it against us ..


Inspired to help parents manage kids’ use of internet, this startup monitors data flow on devices


To make the pitch for her Seattle-based startup, Yuan Karppanen poses some basic questions for our tech-enhanced world: Do you know what your home assistant is doing at your home? Do you know which services are getting your data when you browse a website? Do you know what devices or users are currently on your network?


If you answered “no” to any of these queries, Karppanen’s company UNpkl has a solution for tracking your tech devices and flow of information.


Launched in 2017, UNpkl (pronounced “un-pickle”) offers routers and software that can manage this data, blocking and unblocking devices from a customer’s system and blocking and unblocking specific sites used by the devices.