Anonymous ID: a4b8a2 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.7621560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1655 >>1870 >>1913 >>1936 >>2056 >>2135 >>2190

VOTING is underway at


a couple easy votes; but also, many many very hard choices. I made some graphics to look over first before you go vote.

Pete Santilli's 2019 "Outstanding Person(s) Of The Year" Award Nominations

Who should be 2019's Outstanding Person Of The Year for each category?


2019 Outstanding Person Of The Year

Kanye West, Sheriff Scott Jenkins, Rudy Giuliani, Candace Owens, James O'Keefe (Project Veritas), Zach Vorhies (Google Whistleblower), Dan Bongino, Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch

Outstanding Independent Media Personality

Millie Weaver - Millenial Millie, James O'Keefe - Project Veritas, Alex Jones – Infowars, Dan Bongino - The Dan Bongino Show, Mark Dice, Steven Crowder - Louder With Crowder, Rosanne Barr, Tracey Beans, Candace Owens, Amazing Polly

POS (Piece of Sh$t) Of The Year

Rod Rosenstein (Former Asst Attorney General), Nancy Pelosi, The Entire Fake News Main Stream Media, Jack Dorsey - Twitter CEO, Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook CEO, Eric Ciaramella, Susan Wajcicki - Youtube CEO, John Brennan, Lt. Col Alex Vindman, CNN CEO Jeff Zucker, Robert Mueller, Tulsi Gabbard, Adam Schiff, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Greta Thunberg, Meghan McCain, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, Matt Drudge, Andrew McCabe (Former Assistant FBI Director), Peter Strok & his lover Lisa Page, James Comey, Jeffrey Epstein

Word, Phrase or Quote Of The Year

Russia-Russia-Russia, De-Bunked, Jeffrey Epstein Didn't Kill Himself, Read the transcript - It was a perfect call, Trump is your President…get over it., #WalkAway, Quid Pro Joe, Fake News, CNN Sucks

2019 Blockbuster Of The Year

CNN Whistleblower - Cary Poarch, Google Whistleblower - Zach Vorhies, Jeffrey Epstein Indictment & Suicide, The Mueller Report (Russia Hoax), SCOTUS Hearings - Brett Kavanaugh, Laura Loomer Chains Herself to Twitter…then Runs For Congress, Ed Butowsky - Seth Rich expose, Patrick Byrne - Overstock CEO (Spygate), ABC Epstein Cover-up ( Project Veritas ), President Trump killed ISIS Leader Baghdadi

Outstanding Man Of The Year

Kanye West, Roger Stone, Cary Poarch (CNN Whistleblower), Zach Vorhies (Google Whistleblower), VA Sheriff Scott Jenkins, Rudy Giuliani, James O'Keefe (Project Veritas), Brandon Straka #WalkAway

Outstanding Woman of The Year

Sarah Huckabee, Judge Jeanine, Melania Trump, Kimberly Guilfoil, Kelley Ann Conway, Juanita Broaddrick, Candace Owens, Laura Loomer, Amazing Polly

Outstanding Investigative Journalist

Alex Newman - The New American, Chanel Rion – OANN, John Soloman, Sarah Carter, Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, Amazing Polly, Tiffany Fitzhenry, Jack Posobiec (OANN), Mike Cernovich

Outstanding Independent Media Website

The Gateway Pundit, Whatfinger News, Conservative Treehouse (Last Refuge), Banned.Video, Brighteon, Breitbart, Epoch Times, Judicial Watch, Right Side Broadcasting (Trump Rally Coverage), One America News (OANN), Next News Network - Gary Franchi, True Pundit

Independent Talk Show Host Of The Year

Dan Bongino, Alex Jones, Steven Crowder, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Candace Owens, Glenn Beck (Ukraine Coverage), Mark Levin, Wayne Dupree

Outstanding Patriot of The Year

Rudy Giuliani, Tom Fitton, Virginia Sheriff Scott Jenkins, Admiral Rogers (NSA), James O'Keefe (Project Veritas), Laura Loomer, Zach Vorhies (Google Whistleblower), Cary Poarch (CNN Whistleblower), Eric Cochran (Pinterest Whistleblower)

Anonymous ID: a4b8a2 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.7621604   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS Schedule for Thursday, December 26, 2019


THE PRESIDENT has no public events scheduled

