Anonymous ID: c1f926 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.7621816   🗄️.is 🔗kun





If it's someone else, there isn't as much evidence pointing to that person as there is to Rothschild.


1) Israel was given to Rothschild 1917 or so by the British in the Balfour declaration. Israel is the worst shit on the planet.


2) 200 years ago, Waterloo, Rothschild made big money using his advanced, elaborate, spy network. Today, Mossad.


3) Soros. Anything that pisses people off about Soros, blame the Rothschilds. We can assume that what Soros does is with the assent of the Rothschilds. What we do know is that in the late 1960s, most of the money for the Quantum Fund came from the Rothschilds.


4) National Central Banks are not public entities, put private. Who owns them? The Rothschilds. Others too, but a big part of it is the Rothschilds. The ownership of these banks is generally not easy to find public information (of course).


I could go on, but the Rothschilds just have the longest resume of evil with the most stuff on it. Other names you see really don't have much stuff on it, and when you head to head vs Rothschild, the Rothschilds usually win.


Gods been on vacation or something, maybe busy with other planets for 200 years or so. Maybe God just doesn't fix problems. Maybe the rest of the Universe is full of planets that suck worse than this one and God is busy fixing the problems in that one.


In a world with God in charge, the Rothschilds would've been wiped out by 1850. They're still ordering politicians like Hillary Clinton around (lots of emails between Lynn and Hillary show that Lynn is higher up).

Anonymous ID: c1f926 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:43 p.m. No.7621853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1860 >>2027



why is that one a Gay Jew Meme? I know that there are definitely a lot of Gay Jew Memes, almost all tv is like an expensive Gay Jew Meme, but why is that particular one a Gay Jew Meme? What is the tipoff? It looks like us, the good guys, Neo, are kicking the bad guys, Jews, the Smiths, ass? I'm not sure why that's Gay Jew, maybe I'll learn something.

Anonymous ID: c1f926 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.7621881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1888 >>1897



I didn't understand why that was supposed to be a Gay Jew Meme. Good to see someone else was confused as well.


Certainly Gay Jews are a more terrible version of the already terrible Jews, and they certainly have way too much influence in our world.


Shouldn't God be doing something about those garbage humans?

Anonymous ID: c1f926 Dec. 25, 2019, 8:01 p.m. No.7621952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1973





The meme says, basically, that "we're kicking the JIDFs ass"


It's obvious that the Jews are the bad guys in this meme, and the bad guys are specifically named as JIDF.


What exactly is the point of putting "GAY JEW MEME" on that?


When you put GAY JEW MEME on the meme, the point isn't that the meme is ABOUT GAY JEWS, the point is that the meme is BY GAY JEWS.


I gotta say, I'm really way past tired of the Gay Jews. Their time should've been up a long time ago.