Anonymous ID: e63eb6 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.7621724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913 >>2056 >>2135

Democratic representatives in swing states don’t want to talk about impeachment, but their constituents certainly do.


ABC’S Martha Raddatz traveled to 3 key states – Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania – to gauge voter’s opinions on impeachment and its impact on 2020. What she found was not a good omen for Democrats. It’s clear; establishment media elites are out of touch with real Americans.


In Michigan, Raddatz begins at Trump’s ‘historic’ rally in the city of Battle Creek. She’s surprised that although “it was about 10 degrees outside the Trump rally, the faithful lined up nevertheless and the impending impeachment” – a true testament to his support. At the rally, she meets several supporters of the president who emphasize impeachment has no impact on their support for President Trump. They dismiss the process as entirely illegitimate. A woman remarks: “Oh it’s shameful. It’s terrible. It’s all made it up. They hate him. They just want him out. They have Trump derangement syndrome.” But even away from the Trump rally, voters who don’t support the president admit impeachment will likely contribute to his reelection.


Raddatz acknowledges: “There are already worries that impeachment just might give Michigan to Trump once again.” One voter remarks: “I don’t think this is going to help the Democratic party. I really don’t. In fact, I have great fear that the opposite is going to happen.” Raddatz interviews another voter: “Do you think impeachment will change the race?” He responds: “He will twist it to his advantage any way he can. It’ll help him. It will solidify his base.” Raddatz asks another voter if impeachment will “hurt the president.” The voter responds: “In the long run, no. This is just something he’s going to have to get through, and he will.”


In the next city ABC visits, Bellwether, Ohio, support for impeachment is similarly lacking. One voter interviewed explains: “I don’t think the two sides – whether you’re Republican or Democrat – are doing what they should.” Another describes the House impeachment hearings as “a joke” and predicts Ohio will go “fully Trump again.” He continues: “If you look at Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, those are Democratic strongholds, but the rest of the heartland, the open areas, the rural [areas] I’m around, a lot of that is 100% Trump area.”


ABC concludes their tour in the suburbs of Pittsburgh which “showed that same purple tint as Ohio’s major cities.” There, Raddatz interviews a college student who professes support for Trump. He explains: “I like the way works the economy, how he produces jobs, and keeps taxes low for the middle class which is what my family is.” Another interviewee, A Clinton supporter, remarks that impeachment has terribly divided the country: “We need to come together, and we’re so divided. It’s sad.” If the cohort of people ABC interviewed is any indicator of how what direction swing states will go in 2020, Democrats should be very worried.

Trump War Room

Anonymous ID: e63eb6 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:41 p.m. No.7621839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dan Crenshaw Crashes Trump's Speech to Give Him an Important Gift


President Trump recently spoke at the Turning Point USA Student Action Conference at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach. He praised the young conservatives in the crowd for routinely standing up for their values on college campuses, before giving a special shoutout to Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who also spoke at the conference. "And we’re joined by a man that I’ve gotten to know and respect," Trump said. "And he’s highly, highly — this is a very capable person who has really developed a voice that you rarely develop as such a young person, and so new to this whole crazy political game. But I’m new too, Dan Crenshaw. I’m new too. Where is Dan Crenshaw? Where is he? Where is Dan? "Some guys are in Congress there — they have 40 years, they don’t have your voice," Trump added. "Thank you. And I don’t mean the voice, speaking; I mean people listening to what you say. Thank you very much. Great job."


Crenshaw acknowledged the shoutout, jumped up and started flashing what looked like a red note card. The president couldn't quite see it, so he gave up and invited the congressman onstage. Trump joked, "'I said Dan, what the hell is it? This better be good!'" The president smiled and told the crowd that Crenshaw had handed him his "no" vote on impeachment. The Democrats voted to impeach Trump on two articles, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, last week. "I’ll save that, Dan," Trump smiled. "I’ll save that, Dan."


Crenshaw voted with every House Republican and two Democrats to vote against impeaching the president. But it wasn't enough to stop the partisan passage. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched their impeachment campaign against the president in September following a whistleblower complaint about a phone call Trump had with Ukrainian President Zelensky. The whistleblower acted upon secondhand knowledge. The articles may have passed in the House, but Pelosi has been threatening to withhold them from the Senate. She and Chuck Schumer insist they want Republicans leaders to agree to their terms, which include a new list of witnesses. But, as Sen. Cruz recently noted, if the Democrats are still fishing for more witnesses, do they really have a solid evidentiary case against the president? "There’s no crime," Trump said at the summit. "There’s no nothing. How do you impeach? You had no crime."


Anonymous ID: e63eb6 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.7621878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin says Russia has vessel to build Nord Stream 2: newspaper


MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said Russia has a “pipe-laying vessel” to complete the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany, Kommersant daily reported citing unnamed sources on Thursday, following sanctions imposed by Washington. Putin spoke about the vessel to a gathering of Russian top businessmen late on Wednesday, Kommersant reported. He said, according to the newspaper, the completion of the project would be “stretched” by several months because of the sanctions. U.S. President Donald Trump imposed sanctions last week on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline designed by Moscow to bypass Ukraine and increase gas supplies via the Baltic Sea to Germany, Russia’s biggest energy customer. Swiss-Dutch company Allseas, which was laying the pipeline using two vessels - Pioneering Spirit and Solitaire - suspended work to avoid U.S. sanctions.


In 2016, Russian energy giant Gazprom bought a special pipe-laying vessel called Academic Cherskiy to be used as a last resort if European companies stopped working on Nord Stream 2. A Gazprom source said Cherskiy’s average pipe-laying speed is slower than the Pioneering Spirit but did not provide a specific estimate. According to Refinitiv Eikon data, Cherskiy is currently based in the Russian Pacific port of Nakhodka. Before Washington announced sanctions on the companies building Nord Stream 2, Russian officials had said it would be up and running before or around the middle of 2020.

Anonymous ID: e63eb6 Dec. 25, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.7622029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2067



>Your description is roughly accurate but needs a few clarifications.


>Rogers went to Trump while Trump was still president-elect, and thus not the CinC. It was still Obonehead at that time.


>Rogers didn't "resign". He was relieved of command at the end of his tour of duty in 2018 and retired, after serving more than 2 years as the NSA Director, Commander of CyberCom and the 10th Fleet under President Trump.


>He didn't just say, "Ok, now you're sworn in, Don, I'm taking a powder."


>Shit happened under Admiral Rogers' watch and he made sure he was on top of it - for the specific purpose of putting a stop to it al


As I recall Adm Rogers went to Trump Tower after the election, which tied, Obama & DS's hands from firing was too risky a move at the time.


November 17, 2016 – Admiral Rogers visits Trump Towers


He retired from active duty in the United States Navy on June 1, 2018.


Your comments are not accurate he was not relieved he retired, which was planned in Jan of this same year

Anonymous ID: e63eb6 Dec. 25, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.7622117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2129 >>2140



To be clear: Are you saying that if he retired there wouldn't be a customary Change of Command? And If Commanders don't retire, what happens when they are no longer willing to serve (ie: they want to retire) Almost sound like what you are saying here is there is no such thing as retirement? Can you clarify, please.

Anonymous ID: e63eb6 Dec. 25, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.7622183   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires


NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers formally retired on May 4, 2018.


What about he retired from Active duty June 1, 2018


So the way I read this..He was on the books as active until June 1, 2018, Although it publicly happened in May