Anonymous ID: a24e11 Dec. 26, 2019, 2:14 a.m. No.7623433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notice all schizobait larps and other boards start to drop their phisching. What is going on?

Massive shilling for le ebin ayy lmao and shit on all channels and what not.

ToTheStars and Podesta's Ancient ayliums dropped dead out of nowhere even on /pol/, breads about Q's "are we alone" crump goes viral.


I Monitor most of the conspiracy channels like eichelburg faggotry or orchand's jewtube channel fuckery. They all seems collectivily to drop dead. Basiclly all the schizo conspiracies shills run away, for what reason?`


Overall, what happened to the impeachment rodeo? Where is Shiff? What happened to the bidens? FISA?


and what about this?

Anonymous ID: a24e11 Dec. 26, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.7623467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3482 >>3503

I do not like having to be the faggot that has to state the obvious. But clearly I need to be the faggot that states the obvious.


There can be no meaningful discussion on any other significant board. You are all here because there is no where left to assemble. The Bot's//Antifa//SJWs//Dems//Journos//Shills//clowns//SA//Goons have controlled Youtube//tumblr//google//facebook//twitter//web 2.0//Media//MSM almost from the onset and reddit is utterly compromised.


• Your enemy knows why you are 8kun, they know how little they can do to strangle free speech here besides troll, shitpost and sometimes burn a faggot mod asset.


• This campaign. The one you are fighting right fucking now. This means everything to them. This will define just how effective their subversion and infiltration is.


• They MUST lose. We MUST win.


• They are terrified of losing this.


• They will be relentless.


• They will hire pro PR agencies.


• They will manipulate media in every way they can.


• They will play us against one another every chance they get.


• They are a sophisticated enemy, never mind the assholes on twitter that shit the bed. The people behind them are in this deep and looking to psyop your pinhead anyway they can.


Don't you fucking dare lose your hearts, assholes. This is the fucking final boss. This is the fucking war of wars. The shills and shitposts will outnumber quality 10 to 1. Don't you fucking dare not see straight through their bullshit. You are better than them. We are better than them.

Anonymous ID: a24e11 Dec. 26, 2019, 2:34 a.m. No.7623506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3508 >>3558 >>3627

See, massive sliding and shill attacks (bots?) on all sites.

Something is brewing. To see this strange behavior and meanwhile all schizobait larps going up in flames is very strange.


we got bot spam

shill bait post

shill bite the bait post

and what not


what is slided so hard?

Anonymous ID: a24e11 Dec. 26, 2019, 2:38 a.m. No.7623515   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It’s about the [break].

either something is been smoke screened or something is about to happen.

No matter where i look, i can't find something so it must be something that is about to happen. Question is, today? tommorrow? Is it a leak? Does it have something to do with all the schizobaiters//larpers//to the stars//federation of light//hartgeld//scientology//and what not schizo maintain bubbles?