Anonymous ID: cae434 Dec. 26, 2019, midnight No.7623113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cultural Rot:



Macleod scoops up a kid in Germany and after killing a Nazi offer takes the little girl with him. Later it is strongly hinted at that they are romantically involved as they have a tender moment together (she is his secretary and adult at this point but still WTF?). “There can only be one” indeed!


Weird Science

Lisa (the woman – a beautiful, foreign ‘super’ model that the boys “create” and “control”) ask “how old are you” to one of the young men as they are making out, to which he replied “15 but almost 16.” It is inferred that they have sex. Slipped into the psyche and normalized. Stevie Nicks around same time frame will release a song titled “On the Edge of Seventeen” and it is about the same subject. She refers to herself as a “white witch.” Doubtful that means she is a good witch but simply she is white and she is a witch. How is it that John Hughes made movie after movie with most being big hits and becoming cultural cap stones. Hughes was connected to national lampoon. National Lampoon came out of Haavard. This was pre-programed cultural rot that everyone consumed in mass quantities.


Interconnected threads. The whole idea of any of it being ‘organic’ is laughable. A person is picked to be the face and name then whatever bilge that is to be severed up ‘to the unwashed masses’ (i.e., deplorables).


Watch the bonus section of Weird Science where they are attempting to explain various elements including John Hughes. These people are not very bright and given very surface level explanations not deep reflections. Useful idiots or pawns or a combination of both.


Judd Apetow picks up on this (spreading the cultural rot and turning the young against the old and promoting degeneracy) and continues in into the next generation. His muse is the literal golden boy.


Kevin Spacey in American Beauty making it hip or cool or ok to lust after a teen age girl and promote drug use as he gets high and buys drugs from the neighbor’s high school age son. The boy’s father is retired military and made out to be a closeted homosexual and this is why he murders Kevin Spacey in the end. Kevin Spacy is good at playing a psychopath because it turns out that he is on. And he is still out doing what he does apparently with impunity and no fear.


Not possible to get lost in the fantasy land they create once the curtain is pulled by. Then all that is left is a critical eye.

Anonymous ID: cae434 Dec. 26, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.7623627   🗄️.is 🔗kun


true dat

op red pill

hot war

operators active





niggers were right about a bunch

of other "conspiracy" stuff

drugs dumped into their communities

biological sued against them, etc., etc.

so at this point the Ethiopian angle

could very well be legit

aren't they supposedly

care takers of the



noodle sauce:

Anonymous ID: cae434 Dec. 26, 2019, 3:33 a.m. No.7623645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Red Pill Starter pack:


Red Pill #1: Satanic pedo cults are real (witness NXIVM and Moprah’s John of God’s baby farm in Brazil – just two examples). NXIVM remember them?


Extensive digs may be found here:


Red Pill #2: Pop Culture is mind control perfected by Travistock Institute and the C_A.


The Center for Informed America


(Describes how elements of government high jacked naturally occurring movements and perverted them to produce a state of fear and panic. Jim Morrison and his father Admiral Morrison were flip sides of the same coin. One promoted degeneracy that ultimately consumed him – “death to my cock” poem, while the other started a war with Vietnam based on lies.)


Red Pill #3: Much of what was circulated in the book “The last Circle” lays out the direct connection between government and organized crime and much more. The voracity of the work (which is well documented and cited) has been validated by event that have come to pass and are now know to the general public.


The LAST CIRCLE, by Cherie Seymour aka Carol Marshall is helpful to everyone who is trying to get an understanding of where this came from and how the New World Order is planning on using discoveries from the concentration camps in Germany, the human genetic guinea pigs in Japan, and the Gulags of the USSR to eliminate 4/5s of the world's population… and in doing so, set themselves up as the only rulers of Planet Earth.


It all ties together if you are willing to do a little bit of work and read the research readily available.


Can you handle the Truth?

"Octopus" by Guy Lawson

JFK film uncut


I have in my possession five boxes of documents, obtained from a convicted methamphetamine chemist whose closest friends were a 20-year CIA operative and a former FBI Senior-Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles and Washington D.C. bureaus. The labyrinthine involvements of these people and their corporate partners is revealed in this manuscript, along with information obtained by Washington D.C. journalist Danny Casolaro prior to his death in 1991.

Anonymous ID: cae434 Dec. 26, 2019, 3:45 a.m. No.7623672   🗄️.is 🔗kun

perhaps if not good 4 MIL

not so good 4 erbody?


"Pentagon advises troops to not use consumer DNA kits, citing security risks"


The Pentagon is advising troops that there are security risks, to include mass surveillance and potential tracking, associated with using consumer DNA kits.


“Moreover, there is increased concern in the scientific community that outside parties are exploiting the use of genetic data for questionable purposes, including mass surveillance and the ability to track individuals without their authorization or awareness,” the memo states.


Do tell mutherfukers - what "outside parties?"

