Never forget,
Leaf is still a faggot
Never forget,
Leaf is still a faggot
Great job Baker>>7622968
We aren't here because we have nothing better to do. We are here to fight to the death.
Question anyone that uses memes with Red text, bold italics and lots of text. Watch and learn, Recon 101
I fucking guarantee this is still Leaf
Sorry, meant it to be resounding
Tool song, I hope you choke on it. If this is what you wanted, if this is what yo had in mind? Then this is what you're getting. I hope you choke on it!
Fuck You Leaf,, you fucking faggot!!!!
Still a fucking go fuck your self bread, Leaf
You think I'm giving up? I am spotting you every day. You are a shill. It is my duty to point you out. Fuck you shill
LEAF is still a shill BREAD, prt 2
Hey Leaf, I thought I told you to fuck off!
Thank you
I have zero shop skills. Can anyone put shill spotter badge on bad Santa arm?
Man, you totally got me