how many times did this charter fly to lil st. james Island?
how many times did this charter fly to lil st. james Island?
Texas pass back Fed govt for SNAP (I dont care what they call it) corruption. 4th such fine.
Understand Texas has a ton of anchor babies in public schools.
"During the investigation, conducted by OIG’s Northeast Regional Office, we worked together to address the concerns of employees of multiple states and others who alleged that the integrity of the SNAP
quality control process was weakened by third-party consultants.
These concerned individuals reported that cases were not being treated in a consistent manner, and that certain advice from consultants resulted in identified errors being diminished rather than used to improve eligibility determinations. The settlements reached to date send a strong message regarding the Government’s commitment to work across agency lines to protect the integrity of SNAP.”
"Since 2010, SNAP has served on average more than 45 million Americans per month, and provided more than $71 billion annually. "
NOTE: "federal government funds SNAP benefits, it relies on the states to determine whether applicants are eligible for benefits, to administer those benefits, and to perform quality control to ensure that eligibility decisions are accurate." (I wonder if we are going to see more of this with border states. Know Austin Texas is California and I think most state employees in Austin are libs)
71 BILLION per year. How low could that go if the USA had a ruling on anchor babies and started aggressively and massively deporting illegals?