More on Michelle (Tea) Tomasik, the person behind the Tranny Library reading hour. She may have been adopted and that is where the Tomasik name comes in. Here is a screen grab from one of her books. The name Deborah Lippmann keeps popping up in my searches on Michelle. I'm thinking there may be some relation to the Hollywood Nail artist who does Lady Gaga and Bruce Jenner's nails. Michelle definitely has a connection to witchcraft.,+michelle+tomasik&source=bl&ots=4rwxt9OEra&sig=ACfU3U01BoU4rjEPvKR1x2Y2rs1jmsQweQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJmNPjj9TmAhXHGc0KHamMALoQ6AEwAnoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=lippman%2C%20michelle%20tomasik&f=false