Anonymous ID: 34b91e Dec. 26, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.7626046   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7625709 (lb)

>Israel to reinstitute ‘assassinations policy’

KEK the one thing Jews do very well is lie. As if they've EVER stopped? Does anyone believe the CIA stopped whacking people? At one level the CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/ etc are all the same damn thing.


I think the kikes are going to have to eventually destroy the Internet because they are being exposed on a global level.

Anonymous ID: 34b91e Dec. 26, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.7626159   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7625807 (lb)

Joseph Smith was a fucking con man who "interpreted the golden plates" from the bottom of a magic hat. When his cohorts figured out he was conning them they "stole" some of the pages and it appeared he'd have to "retranslate"..which the thieves knew would catch him out because no way would the retranslation match the original. They had big plans to put an end to him right then and there. But clever conman wiggled out of it by claiming "if the pages are stolen then god does not want them in the finished version".




Would that he had because the Mormons murdered thousands of Native Americans.


What DID Smith know? He associated with Masons–and like the association of L ron with Crowley, Smith was able to learn proprietary information which he perverted and turned into his own religion–mostly because he wanted to fuck lots of women, but also because he believed it. He managed to pervert the story of the Tall Red Headed people and their settlement in the Americas LONG before Columbus into an entirely new fucked up religion.


Think about it–he pretended to interpret golden plates no one ever saw—from the bottom of a magic hat.


Were there really golden plates written in strange hieroglyphs? Quite possibly considering the Ancient Red Heads were here for so long before the NAs murdered them. Considering where they came from..yes it is possible. It is also possible not a single human had a clue what the plates said. It is possible someone showed him drawings or actual plates and he took it and ran with it.


What is 100% fact is that Smith was the L. Ron Hubbard of his day. FuckinA stop associating Trump with a conman.

Anonymous ID: 34b91e Dec. 26, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.7626197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7625844 (lb)

Bill Clinton has to die before Hillary can announce her post primary run for president. Biden announced as soon as they got word of the Ukraine issue. Hillary will run again. But Bill has to die first. (watch out your fucking creep–she's gonna have you eliminated because IT'S HER TURN!


I kind of feel sorry for those of you that actually believe this won't happen because muh arrests.

Anonymous ID: 34b91e Dec. 26, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.7626224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6245 >>6258 >>6283 >>6301 >>6303 >>6330 >>6340 >>6603 >>6607 >>6657 >>6668

>>7625851 (pb)

>so what is the deal with Justice Roberts "adopted" kids?

Roberts has two illegally adopted Irish kids. That is how Obama blackmailed him to vote FOR Obamacare, that is how the fucking corrupt Nikki Haley got him to find in favor of her wealthy donors that stole / illegally adopted a Native kid in SC.


Blackmail. Makes the world go round the way you want it. Apparently.


It is illegal to adopt children OUT of Ireland. The kids were flown to SA illegally and transfered to the Roberts' there.

Anonymous ID: 34b91e Dec. 26, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.7626355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is very very old digs. And 100% true. Just research the baby veronica case. Haley (the darling of the retards) is corrupt as FUCK. Her millionaire donors won that case because Roberts also had illegally adopted kids. What Roberts did in awarding custody to Haley's wealthy donors was so corrupt and illegal I am surprised that it's been kept under wraps. It is 100% illegal to adopt a child OUTSIDE a NA tribe. They did so much shit to get that kid all of them should be in prison. Roberts and Haley are corrupt AF and that is what it is. Expose the bitch Haley.

Anonymous ID: 34b91e Dec. 26, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.7626415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7626018 (lb)

>Did not Putin said that perhaps Russian Jews were the Russians who interfered in the election?

Yes Putin did say that. He faces the same jew shit in Russia that Trump faces in the US.


I was raised to worship at the feet of Muh Chozen because "god"…but–I started looking, asking questions. Then one day I had a question for the evangelicals that prop up the criminal jews (much to their delight and plan) dare to ask yourself:


"How hard is it to be the chosen if one writes the book choosing you–yourself."


inb4xian brain explodes


Anyone looking into the history of these mystery people will discover so many rabbit holes that it is brain exploding. Once you start looking you cannot UNSEE what you have found.


What I found is that the "jews" are basically a lie. They are literally a fucking lie. Their made up history and bullshit is exactly that. Stolen, adapted, changed–to make them the heroes of everything.


Once you read the Hermetica, the Sumerian history and stories, the history of the Red Headed Pharaohs—and really investigate the dangerous ISAAC will begin to wonder what satan AKA ENLIL aka JEHOVAH has set upon the earth.


As someone brainwashed from childhood to believe all of this shit without question or ELSE HELL—this journey into truth has been particularly painful.


I believe the Jews are Enlils revenge on Enki for creating beautiful beings. Tall, red headed people…in his personal Eden that have traces of his DNA. The JEWS are tasked with:

1.stealing that DNA (Isaac Question)

  1. Killing and hunting every trace of them (the OT orders from Jehovah to go about KILLING every man woman and child to the estimate of 28 million people) to supposedly kill people who don't love Jehovah enough.

  2. Zachariah running a red headed breeding operation (again stealing that DNA)


  1. The fucking bloodline myths–the secret of the bloodlines is–THERE IS NO FUCKING BLOODLINE. Not for the kikes–aside from what they've managed to steal their DNA is plain as toast. I speak having been deep on the inside of a "bloodline" family DNA study. I literally LMAO when they kept getting COMMON AF DNA. They need / want you to believe they are special, the only thing they have is what they have stolen and what they have managed to convince people to believe. YES the kikes HAVE stolen the red headed DNA–but guess what–they are still fucking FAIL. They don't control you with their fucking blood. They control you with myths, power, money, lies…all in an attempt to stay on top.


  1. Jews are running mind control programs on their young to perpetuate the myths of Jewish exceptionalism–ALL THE FUCKING WHILE they own ALL the DNA companies which they use to hunt down the exceptional traces of Enki's creations.


No matter what you have been brainwashed since childhood to believe, you owe it to yourself to reject the notion that these assholes hold any power over you due to "bloodline'..yeah there's a fucking sekrit–there IS NO FUCKING bloodline. They are common as fucking dirt. They have been told the lie that they are fucking special since birth. Ever notice how inbred and incredibly UGLY these people are? They know deep down that they are fail…and they've been trying to steal the WINNING DNA ever since.


DO NOT take DNA tests.

Anonymous ID: 34b91e Dec. 26, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.7626469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6490 >>6603 >>6626




Could be the Magdalene kids-(there was a home for unwed mothers that the catholic cult ran–kids disappeared from) but probably just some kids in Ireland that needed homes. WHY did the Roberts have to steal kids from Ireland? It's not like the US has zero kids for adoption. For me–it is the why. IS there something hinky with them that ruled them out for US adoption? This whole adoption fraud shit is–vile. Think about it–he set himself to be blackmailed for every single SCOTUS decision he makes.



I would not trust him to make ANY fair decision. He will do what his overlords say he should do or he will risk loosing his kids.



I have zero doubt that Roberts was set up for that…"want kids? here, we can help"..and he fell for it took the kids and was forever blackmailed after that.


holy shit I got the captcha on first try.