William Cooper - Hour 18: Bibliography (aired March 31st, 1993)
– the Masonic Chart, the Templar chart – and the beginning has a letter to the editors of the New York Express, and its signed by Benjamin Franklin. It’s a very old book. It has the complete history, according to Freemasonry, of Freemasonry. It's entitled – and this is the title of the book –The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor; Containing All the Emblems Explained in the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, Royal Master, and Select Master: Designed and Duly Arranged Agreeably to the Lectures, by R.W. Jeremy L. Cross, G.L., to which are added illustrations, charges, songs, etc., with additions and emendations. Also, a complete history of Freemasonry by a brother. This copy that I have is the twelfth and stereotyped edition, printed in New York, published by A.S. Barnes and Company, 51 Johns St. in 1854.
Numberfags , heads up.
Next one is an important book once you get to…Once you get into the symbology of the Mystery Schools and the occult, you learn that geometry and Hermetic science become very important. Now, this book is entitled Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion and Number. Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion and Number, a combined edition by A.S. Raleigh. A.S. Raleigh, and this is published by Devorss…Devorss Publications. That’s spelled D-E-V (as in Victor)-O-R-S-S. And there’s some treasures in these books.''
Holy Blood, Holy Grail. The next one is The Messianic Legacy. The Messianic Legacy, by the same authors: Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh.And then there's another one called, The Temple and the Lodge. The Temple and the Lodge, by the same authors. And then the fourth one by these authors, also, is called The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception. The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, by thesame authors. Now, read those books. Read them in that order.