Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.7626043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6051

Searchable Text of the whole MB series.

Shine a bright light on the secret societies , for they all have the same goal.


William Cooper's Mystery Babylon Series

The history, the dogma, and the identity of Mystery Babylon

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.7626130   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is it then right for free citizens of this country to vote into any office a person who has sworn and still lives under and acknowledges allegiance to another – a monarchial and a despotic government? Has not the Grand Lodge of one state, in consistency with the general teaching of Masonry declared that all its members are foreigners to our government? Let us then consider them as such; and our government also should consider them as such, and forbid them to hold office, sit on the jury,or even to vote until they take the oath prescribed for other foreigners.



Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you understand the import of what I have just read to you, and I hope that you understand that many of the leaders in the patriot community are Freemasons. They are sworn to the order, to their one-world government of which they only are citizens. And they have no allegiance to any other government, organization, oath, creed or religion…by their own writings, their own word. Everything that I have quoted that was written in this letter was written or published prior to 1882. The farther back you go in history, the more truth you can read in their words, for they have learned that some of us are smarter than they think. And now, they conveniently delete some of this from their modern writing, but even in their modern writing you can find enough to incriminate and hang them all. The confederate general discussed in this letter by Dr. Groves is none other than Albert Pike.

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.7626176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Follow people like comey - clapper - brennan around long enough and maybe we find out why nobody ever goes to jail……


Is it not reasonable then to suppose that these men, who had sworn to fulfill their duties as civil officers, chose rather to obey Masonic obligations and extricate a rebel from his difficulty? This is the only explanation of this strange event which is worthy of any consideration. And it is made more certain when we remember that, according to Mackey's Jurisprudence, "Treason and rebellion also, because they are altogether political offenses, cannot be inquired into by the lodge.

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.7626271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6291

Hour 16: Quotes by Freemasons (aired March 10th, 1993)

I'm William Cooper, and you're listening to the Hour of the Time.


I urge you all, if you could find a copy of Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, to purchase it, take it home and read it.Mr. Hall told his readers that those who had been initiated into the Mysteries were the secret power behind the governments of the past. He wrote this about these ancient initiates in his book, entitled What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples: "They are the invisible powers behind the thrones of earth, and men are but marionettes, dancing while the invisible ones pull the strings. We see the dancer, but the master mind that does the work remains concealed by the cloak of silence.”Now remember, I told you, folks, that if you don't open your mind, and if you don't quit believing dogma, if you don't quit believing what people tell you, if you don't stop believing what Dan Rather tells you on the six o'clock news, or your local minister down at your church, or your mother or the President of the United States, and if you don't start digging to find the truth yourself, you, you, the sheeple, are the marionettes, dancing while the invisible ones pull the strings. And until you change that pattern of your life, you will always be the puppet on the end of someone else's string ''

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.7626295   🗄️.is 🔗kun


GOV is Bi-Polar , schizoid.


" Preppers " are dangerous white power survivalists.


meanwhile DHS + Ready . GOV says " Build a kit and make a plan "

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:22 p.m. No.7626437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6577


Thoth = Egyptian / Masonic mysteries.


There's another symbol of the sun inside the Masonic Lodge. The Worshipful Master, the equivalent of the President of the Lodge, sits in the east side of the temple. [And] we are told why that is: 'The Worshipful Master represents the sun at its rising, the Senior Warden [another officer of the Lodge] represents the sun at its setting, and the Junior Warden [still another officer of the Lodge] represents the sun at meridian [the half-way point.] [William Cooper: The Most High.]


North wall of the lodge kept ' dark '.

" "The God of the Bible sits in the North, and Lucifer hopes one day to acquire the throne of God for his throne. But, until then, the 'North is a place of darkness.' But, while the north is an excluded territory, the east is the 'place of light,' and is to be revered. Mr. Hutchens tells his readers why that is so: '…the East – the source of light, and thus knowledge.''


BTW - C_A logo is a star / sun.

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.7626472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6542


[William Cooper]: Lucifer, also known as Satan, or the devil. Wakes you up, doesn't it? See, all the time you thought religion was something stupid and didn't have anything to do with overall world events, but you're wrong. It has everything to do with everything, whether you believe it or not, whether I believe it or not, it doesn't make any difference. If the people who have the power and are in control believe it, it will affect us all. Understand that, because that's true

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.7626539   🗄️.is 🔗kun


William Cooper - Hour 18: Bibliography (aired March 31st, 1993)


– the Masonic Chart, the Templar chart – and the beginning has a letter to the editors of the New York Express, and its signed by Benjamin Franklin. It’s a very old book. It has the complete history, according to Freemasonry, of Freemasonry. It's entitled – and this is the title of the book –The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor; Containing All the Emblems Explained in the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, Royal Master, and Select Master: Designed and Duly Arranged Agreeably to the Lectures, by R.W. Jeremy L. Cross, G.L., to which are added illustrations, charges, songs, etc., with additions and emendations. Also, a complete history of Freemasonry by a brother. This copy that I have is the twelfth and stereotyped edition, printed in New York, published by A.S. Barnes and Company, 51 Johns St. in 1854.


Numberfags , heads up.


Next one is an important book once you get to…Once you get into the symbology of the Mystery Schools and the occult, you learn that geometry and Hermetic science become very important. Now, this book is entitled Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion and Number. Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion and Number, a combined edition by A.S. Raleigh. A.S. Raleigh, and this is published by Devorss…Devorss Publications. That’s spelled D-E-V (as in Victor)-O-R-S-S. And there’s some treasures in these books.''


Holy Blood, Holy Grail. The next one is The Messianic Legacy. The Messianic Legacy, by the same authors: Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh.And then there's another one called, The Temple and the Lodge. The Temple and the Lodge, by the same authors. And then the fourth one by these authors, also, is called The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception. The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, by thesame authors. Now, read those books. Read them in that order.

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.7626553   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Now, in that series of books, folks, it outlines the history – as they have discovered it – of a secret society whose sole purpose is to protect the bloodline of the family which, traditionally, throughout history has claimed the divine right to rule the rest of us. It's important that you know about that family, because the same people (laughs) also rule this country, folks. They're all related, if you haven't figured that out yet. And if you want to find out how related they are, start looking into an organization, organized in [Cincinnati], called the Knights of the Golden Circle. The Knights of the Golden Circle.

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.7626629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Be very careful about the Dead Sea Scrolls, folks, because everybody who's had their hands on them has been in the pay of the Rockefeller family, and the people who are translating them now are in the pay of the Rockefeller family. And they say that some of them have leaked out and that you're getting the real version…you don’t know that. This could have been intentional leaks and nobody, none of us, know how to really translate these things. So, the Rockefellers, basically, are telling us what the Dead Sea Scrolls say, and I can just about tell you what they're gonna tell us right off the bat: That Jesus didn’t die, and all kinds of things, and, well, just wait and see. Just wait and see. This is called Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls. Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls, a reader from the Biblical Archeology Review, edited by Hershel Shanks. Hershel Shanks, and this is published by Random House. ( Bill Cooper )

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.7626683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

you will get a lot of good facts from this book. Its called Dark Majesty by Texe Marrs, The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light.

Anonymous ID: 8409b8 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.7626730   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[William Cooper]: You see, I've been telling you all along that Socialists and the Mystery Religion of Babylon are the same, the same, the same, and now in his book A. Ralph Epperson has proven it. "That thought that Lucifer was a 'good spirit, to whom a great wrong' has been done, is the basic thought that holds the New Age together, according to Texe Marrs, the author of two major books on the subject.


Senator McCarthy was absolutely right, he was correct. He just didn't know the proper name. He thought he was ferreting out Communism…he wasn't. You see, if he understood that what I understand, then he would have survived the attacks of the very people he was trying to ferret out, who owned the media that turned against him and destroyed him. Hollywood, who turned against him, destroyed him through manipulating the opinion of the public. See, Communism, folks, is just a word. It's another bugaboo enemy. (laughs) The real enemy, folks, is Mystery Babylon.