Anonymous ID: 71b8a9 Dec. 26, 2019, 3:13 p.m. No.7627515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7537 >>7555 >>7569 >>7585 >>7609 >>7690 >>7794 >>7812 >>8263

Attention newfags , when shills post ((( ITS THE JEWS )))) pro tip , its NOT the jews.




The Protocols of Zion were referred to in the late 1700s. The first copy available to public scrutiny surfaced in the early 1800s. Every aspect of this plan to subjugate the world has since become reality, validating the authen- ticity of conspiracy.


Author's Note: This is an exact reprint of the original text. This has been written intentionally to deceive people. For clear understanding, the word "Zion" should be "Sion"; any reference to "Jews" should be replaced with the word "Il- luminati"; and the word "goyim" should be replaced with the word "cattle."


Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper pp. 266—behold-a-pale-horse.pdf

Anonymous ID: 71b8a9 Dec. 26, 2019, 3:42 p.m. No.7627718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

But this is part of the Mystery Babylon deception trying to convince the people of the earth that we are threatened by some other species from some other planet so that they can more quickly bring about their New World Order, their one-world totalitarian socialist government. Don't fall for it, folks. I have found that most of these people involved with the so-called “UFO research,” who are trying to convince you of this, are Freemasons. Most ofthem, 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite. And evidently they are attempting to do their best toward the furtherance of the Great Work in order to attain the 33rd degree, which can only be attained by meritorious work to bring about the completion of the Great Work, which is the destruction of the church, the state and the enslavement of the mob, which is all of us. I hope you hear me out there.]

Anonymous ID: 71b8a9 Dec. 26, 2019, 3:54 p.m. No.7627807   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notable , and predicted.

Hour 34: Secret Societies and Vatican II (aired January 12nd, 1994

Welcome, once again, to the Hour of the Time. I'm William Cooper…

Now, I want you to pay real close attention because during my series in the Mysteries, when I found out what was concealed within most of the altars that were built during those times – and I related it to you over the air – many people called me a liar. And you're going to hear verification of this – what was found – not only within the altars, but throughout these cathedrals. So pay close attention, folks. This is very important.


Pagan symbols found include Sheela na Gig. These are crude representations of the naked female form in the shape of a woman with spread eagle legs displaying their genitals. They have been identified as images of the pagan goddess of fertility, worshiped in Celtic times. Other carvings found in medieval churches depict monks and priests in sexual poses with wanton young girls, performing homosexual acts, or wearing the heads of animals. Even stranger examples of pagan Masonry can be found. Professor Gregory Webb of Cambridge University, England, in 1946, Secretary of the Royal Commission of Historical Monuments, and an authority on medieval architecture, at the end of the war was appointed by the British government to survey ancient churches in Southern England which had been damaged by the German bombing. In one of the churches he discovered that a Nazi bomb had dislodged the top of the altar, revealing the interior for the first time since the 14th centur y. Inside the damaged altar, Webb and his team discovered a stone image of a phallus [phallus, the phallus,in fact, of Osiris] which had been carefully concealed within the hollowed interior. At first Webb [at first]…[audio is cut off for a few seconds]…they thought this discovery was unique, until he began to examine other churches. He found that virtually all [virtually all, ladies and gentlemen] of the pre-Reformation churches built before the outbreak of the bubonic plague at the end of the 14th century, when church buildings ceased for a long period, had altars which hid fertility symbols, phalluses, which dedicated the Christian churches to the old pagan religion

Anonymous ID: 71b8a9 Dec. 26, 2019, 4:13 p.m. No.7627975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The successful alliance between the Habsburgs and the Vatican was seriously weakened by the actions of one man, a crusading reformer who used the symbol of the rose and cross on his personal seal. He was the German monk Martin Luther.


[William Cooper: When I reveal that Martin Luther was a member of the Rosy Cross, the Order of the Rosy Cross, and that his personal seal was the rose and cross, you should see the piles of letters I got from Protestants who blindly revere this man, without knowing anything about him, chastising me for revealing to them the truth. But, folks, you can write all the letters you want, you will always get the truth on the Hour of the Time. We may make some mistakes now and then and if we do, as we have always done in the past, I will come on the air, and correct those mistakes. But we never, ever intentionally give you anything that is untrue. Remember that. Martin Luther's personal seal was the rose and the cross. And he was, in fact, a member of the Order of the Rose Cross. Martin Luther, the man who many revere, was the founder of the Protestant (or protest-ant) movement.]

Anonymous ID: 71b8a9 Dec. 26, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.7628100   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, yes, many, many people will love the New World Order, and the new world religion, and the new world of entertainment that will be erected in place of the old Roman circus in order to keep the populace entertained and diverted –mindless. Libraries will be filled with the new history books, and the new politically correct dogma of the the new politically correct world and the new politically correct religion. And everywhere you look, you will see the symbols of the generative force, the phallus of Osiris, the representation of the old god of Babylon – Baal, Nimrod, Isis – will be everywhere. You see, for Osiris is the doctrine, Isis is the Church, Horus is the great body of initiates that will rule you. They call themselves "wolves," and of course…of course, dear listeners, you are the sheep – the legal and lawful prey of the wolves.A nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and, yes, steaks on the table by choice and consent.

If we didn't love you here, we would not say these things to you.


Please wake up. Good night, and God bless you all. ( W.C. )

Anonymous ID: 71b8a9 Dec. 26, 2019, 4:58 p.m. No.7628263   🗄️.is 🔗kun


William Cooper]: Another incident that you will not hear in establishment accounts is the story of the messenger writing from one Bavarian illuminati lodge to another, who was literally struck by lightning – divine intervention, if you will. Struck dead from his horse, in his pouch carrying the papers of a secret plan to take over individual nations, and ultimately the world, were put into the hands of the Bavarian government and many of the portions of these papers are almost word for word what later became known as the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion