Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.7628344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8369 >>8379 >>8423 >>8447 >>8650





9754 are notables baked by a muh jew clown, he also put "goyim" in 9755 edition name.

BO does not care to clean up the dirty clown work, neither does he allow BVs to do that.

BO has no time anymore to look after the board he ownes. He does not check bakers, lock double baked breads, get rid of clown spam that has no value at all to Q Research.

And his BVs are not showing up anymore - WHERE ARE THE BVs???


A L S O C L O W N B O A G A I N C H A N G E D / D E L E T E D N O T A B L E S ! ! !


In two breads ago there were totally different notables for 9757.

>>7625969 see here

These kind of changes can only be made by BO or BV.

This kind of censoring happend before!

BO is controlled opposition and not here to help!


And I am pretty sure this one notable is the reason for this:

>>7625559 REminder: Illuminati Blood Lines

>>7625559 REminder: Illuminati Blood Lines

>>7625559 REminder: Illuminati Blood Lines


Info on masonry and illuminati is the info that is shilled on the most.

While BO even advertises a muh jew spam bread in the "jewish question" ''other dedicated research thread in the war room post, BO has refused to even archive a bread with info on masonry/illuminati (Make it rain bread).



if you don´t like a clown BO, let Jim/Ron know!

Their controlled opposition play only works if they are perceived based, let them know that supporting such a clown BO makes them glow themselves. They will have to act and at least officially make a change of board ownership.

This is anons board.


Let them know.





>>7628291 lb

>>7627969 pb

Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.7628423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8438 >>8456 >>8462 >>8487 >>8489 >>8947 >>8982




clown BO confirmed again. covern up move.


After again getting exposed you suddently claim you had just the wrong number?

That is a lie. And it´s easily exposed.

Go to last breads notables and see these notables were neither in 9757, not 9756 or 9758.

>>7626702 go here, hoover the links, the info was not there lb, and this is not just a mistake!

>>7625142 #9756


The notables did not just get named with the wrong number.

Notables #9757 got changed to completely different notables and now were changed back.


Over the target:

>>7625559 (pb) Reminder: Illuminati Blood Lines

Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 5:47 p.m. No.7628579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8604 >>8857

Clowns trying to back up clown BO for changing notables to hide info.



<no argument at all


<was posted already before, so no problem clown BO changed notabes to hide info


<clown again claiming notables jut got a wrong name

that is not true. as I explained. the notables first got baked as 9757

>>7625969 see here.

then they were changed to hide the info, BO/baker made totally different notalbles for 9757. then, after calling this clown move out, they now got put to 9756 to hide/cover up the clown move. FAIL.


<no argument at all


<no argument at all



Fuckery by clown BO and trying to cover this up.

Let Jim & Ron feel how much you like a board owner that is a clown and not here to help.

DEMAND Jim and Ron change the BO - keep in mind, they NEED to be perceived as based, only in this case they can try to be controlled opposition.

Let them know.




Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 6:19 p.m. No.7628804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8814 >>8824 >>8833 >>8844 >>8853 >>8857 >>8901 >>8951

BO tried to fuck up this board in the past.

BO has no more time to evenbe here.

All BVs have disappeared as well.

The spam does not get removed anymore, bakers do not get checked anymore and BO is taking several days to make minor needed changes that take him only minutes.

Now BO changed notables, again, to hide info.

Then he even tried to cover it up.

Clowns back up BO all the time, even most glowing clown aflb. (see meta).


BO is a clown and not there to help.

If anons think there is nothing they can do about it bc Ron and Jim are clown anyway. Wrong.

Anons can let Jim/Ron know that they are just to obvious and demand they at least officially get rid of BO and get a more based BO-

They have to do it, bc their controlled opposition is not working when they are not perceived as based.


Let them know:




Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.7628865   🗄️.is 🔗kun




why is this posted again and again and again every bread?

why does this get posted at ~500 with first post?


do clowns think this is great to often share bc it gives masons the feeling that the deep state still has control left?

like Epstein?

do lurking masons seriously think this is a smart move by the deep state?

would the deep state gladly get Spacy himself killed or would they maybe just not care for his ass at all?

why would the deep state do such a move, that , just like Epstein, only wakes up more people?

3rd accuser ded - wakes certanly up many.


so do lurking masons really think this is a great proof that the deep state still has control left?

or do they see that this is all part of the plan and waking up the public?

do masons really think Prince Andrew would give such a horrible interview?

do masons really think Creepy Joe would talk about kids on his lap?

do masons really think the deep state would chose someone with strong ties to biden when looking foar a HEARSAY whistleblower? could they not have taken someone else?

do masons really think the deep state choosed to impeach POTUS over Ukraine - when Ukraine has a huge potential to expose the deep state?

do masons really think all the many thnkgs happening that wake up the public rapidly is done by the deep state?


do masons see that the craft was fucked long ago and that Q team has full control?

will many break free when they see the rules have changed dramatically?

Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.7628908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8937 >>8939 >>8982


again, i already showed that this is a lie.

the notables were not just named wrongly. they were changed.

go check my post, see that the 9756 notables were totally different ones and that 9757 notables got posted with correct name. then they were changed by BO/BV (no baker can do so) and after being called out, BO did a cover up move and put the 9757 notables to 9765 - "so sorry, just wrong name".


this is a cover up move and it´s visible af.

>>7625142 #9756 (before BO changed)

Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.7628982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8997 >>9020 >>9032


in bread 9757 notables were baked with correct name. those notables inlcuded the illuminati blodlinses dov from the


in bread 9758 they are shown correct.


in bread 9759 the notables from 9757 were suddently changed (no mistake by baker! can only be done by BO/BV anyway!)


next bread i noticed and called it out, got imemadiately attacked by shills.


one bread later BO/BV put the 9757 notables (that were gone) in bread 9756 to cover up his clown move and say "just a mistake…".


this is a lie and can easily be checked.


>>7628423, >>7628487

Anonymous ID: b323ee Dec. 26, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.7629014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9028 >>9041


what is pathetic is that you clowns try to back up BO who again tried to censor and chenged notables.

what is pathetic is that you really think you could just claim something else.

BO is a clown and he will be at least officially gone soon.