clown BO did a clown move again.
and he tried to cover it up.
in bread 9757 notables were baked with correct name. those notables inlcuded the illuminati bloodlines document from the cia.gov/library.
in bread 9758 they are shown correct.
in bread 9759 the notables from 9757 were suddently changed (no mistake by baker! can only be done by BO/BV anyway!)
next bread i noticed and called it out, got immeadiately attacked by shills.
one bread later BO/BV put the 9757 notables (that were gone) in bread 9756 to cover up his clown move and say "just a mistake…".
(9756 notables were totally different ones before)
all pb:
>>7628423, >>7628487
>>7628344 me showing notables were changed
>>7628369 baker (BO? BV?) claiming this was only wrongly named
>>7628423 me showing this is not true, but obviously a cover up move [I made a mistake, took wrong post]
>>7628487 [me correcting mistake]
>>7628579 me showing clowns backing up clown BO
I suggest you take a look at the info that triggered the clown move:
>>7625559 (pb) Reminder: Illuminati Blood Lines
And I strongly suggest you let CM/Jim know how you feel about a clown BO.
keep in mind, their controlled opposition game only works as long as they are blended in. demand that BO get´s kicked - at least officially - and that a based BO takes over. they will have to act.