I thought that Rand "Candy Ass" Paul was going to filibuster the bill. Was that just a rumor or did he wimp out?
You hypocrites would be up in arms if OBAMA said he would sign the bill. You would all be crying "Obama is going to disarm us!" And you would be right. But if Trump does it, that's ok, because he's /our guy/ right? You are all pathetic.
Keep saying that. They are taking them.
Trump told us, no, he promised us that the 2nd amendment was safe with him. Proposed banning bump stocks, and now this bill. Great! Way to safeguard our rights!
For some reason, I think you are the kind of person I would trust making that statement. I would take you at your word. However, it is the other 349,999,000 Americans that would strip naked, and crawl over glass to hand them over.
That contradicts the senator that actually read it. What do you expect from the media? The truth?
Your children and grandchildren will not be allowed to defend themselves, because they will not be allowed to own guns. Think about that you selfish jerks. Every time you let the govt. chip away at your rights, you lose those rights forever, and you are insuring the slavery of your progeny. Let that sink into your thick skulls.
I'm afraid you are right.
Clint might. He's getting up in years, though. We are so fucked.
Thoughtful yet poignant.
Do you think that the simple farmers and laborers wanted to engage in bloodshed at the start of the Revolutionary war? Of course not. But they did because they knew it was the only way to overcome tyranny.
Stop being a pussy. Even women fought in that war.
Does the woman represented in this painting look like she got up in the morning looking for a fight? No. The fight came to her and she didn't back away. You can all learn from this woman. She has a name. Go look it up. She was not alone.
I give a fuck. Most "men" in the US are momma's boy pussies, and that woman would put them to shame. It is sickening to consider, but it is true. That's why they take our rights. We let them.
You know what? If those fucking indictments would be put into play, bills like the one that passed today wouldn't because those cunts would be sitting in jail awaiting trial and execution. Great plan we have.
While you cucks allow your government to disarm you, consider this picture. This woman is an Israeli. She is walking down the street, armed to the teeth. There are many other pictures just like this on the web.
WHY are you allowing the jews in government disarm you?
I'm not a fucking kike, bitch, Look at what I posted today.
So says the cuck with his head in the sand. You are Free. Your government loves you! Fuck off and die, you little prick.
Oh, you are so tough. You are a little bitch pussy. Fuck you, and your coal burner trans-friend.
Oh, That makes all the fucking difference in the world. Try doing that in California or NY. See how long it takes for the cops to cut you down. Grow a brain.
Oh, you really showed me. I won't get over that burn for a while. Pussy.
How long does it take to slam a clip in? Any idea? Do you think it takes an hour?
You would be wrong, you little limp-wristed bitch.
No. I don't get mad. You are still a limp-wristed little bitch, though.
Mad, no. Butthurtโฆ Occasionally. Not tonight.
If cali it's the lower.
I am glad I passed the test.