Anonymous ID: 052b62 Dec. 27, 2019, 5:18 a.m. No.7631423   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1440 >>1554 >>1668 >>1972 >>2066

CEO Of Chinese Bank Sentenced To Death For Stealing $100 Million


Dick Fuld and Jimmy Caine are grateful that in the US, punishment for corporate malfeasance typically amounts to a slap on the wrist. Because after nearly crashing the global economy, the two former bank CEOs got off with barely a slap on the wrist.


If the pair had been running banks in China when all that went down, it probably would have been a different story. For instance, Fuld probably wouldn't have been alive to sit for all those ten-year retrospective interviews in late 2018 that helped soften his image as the CEO whose recklessness almost destroyed American capitalism from the inside out. Compare that to this: On Friday, the former chairman of struggling Chinese lender Hengfeng Bank was sentenced to death with a two-year delay by a Chinese court. His crime? He was convicted of illegally pocketing $100 million while his Shandong-based bank headed inexorably toward failure, eventually becoming the latest Chinese regional lender to require a rescue and full-on nationalization by Beijing.


CEO Jiang Xiyun, meanwhile, was convicted of accepting bribes and illegal 'accounting irregular' tricks.


Hengfeng Bank said earlier this month that it would issue 100 billion shares through a private placement in one of China's largest state-led rescues of small Chinese banks.


Jiang Xiyun was convicted for moving 754 million yuan ($108 million) worth of Hangfeng shares to his personal account between 2008 and 2013, according to the Yantai Intermediate People’s Court. He also took bribes of more than 60 million yuan together with another bank executive, according to the Thursday ruling. A reprieved death sentence may be commuted to a life sentence if the person shows good behavior within the allotted period. In China, a death sentence with a reprieve may be commuted to life in prison no parole if the individual shows genuine remorse.


The bank sold new shares for about $14 billion to a group of investors including a unit of China’s sovereign wealth fund and a local government-backed asset management firm.

China’s banking regulator said back in June that the Shandong government was speeding up the restructuring of Hengfeng, a mid-sized bank, that has failed to disclose its financial statements for two years.


The lender had 1.2 trillion yuan ($175 billion) of assets at the end of 2016, according to its most recent annual report. The Chinese banking sector has been particularly strained after the government shocked the market by taking over Baoshang Bank Co. in late May, the first bank seizure in more than 20 years.


Beijing is scrambling to shore up its banking system, particularly small and medium-sized lenders.

Anonymous ID: 052b62 Dec. 27, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.7631668   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1681 >>1794 >>1852 >>1933


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notables, not endorsements

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>>7631423 CEO Of Chinese Bank Sentenced To Death For Stealing $100 Million

>>7631463 Ukraine articles from OANN

>>7631467 FBI ordered by Congress to disclose records pertaining to repatriation of their citizens in the U.S,-dec 20 oregon live

>>7631483, >>7631498 Blue State Blues: A Decade of Fake News

>>7631503 U.S. Getting Back Into Rare Earth Processing to Break China’s Monopoly- dec 26 link in crumb

>>7631506,, >>7631524, >>7631570 New POTUS tweet and rt: "…Jon Voight delivers BIG…."

>>7631585 WH Twat: "POTUS stock market rally is far outpacing past US presidents"-cnbs article from dec 26

>>7631597 Rahm Emanuel Op-ed "Don't sink to Trump's level; we are more than the sum of our disagreements"-greenwich times via bezos post

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Anonymous ID: 052b62 Dec. 27, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.7631707   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1717


as soon as I square the sys I have. Just looked at pastebin again and it's the same for me…blank. That been issue for over a year-oct '18. run a practice bake soon with ghostbin or anutha. It has to be corrected or no go. either way I sort of like this role. it's a bad ass handle too. kek

Anonymous ID: 052b62 Dec. 27, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.7631905   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Netflix CEO sold $31.87m in shares-Dec 23


Was muh options exercise with shares exercised at $8.52/sh and sold into open mkt. So it 'cost" him $833,306 to make roughly $31m and change…taxes notwithstanding. It doesn't cost them anything as this amount is just taken off the top of the total transaction.

"reed", not his real name it's wilmont, has been a veritable printing machine since NFLX went public and had tons of exercised options at the $1.50 level for many years. He has run out of those and the $5/sh ones that replaced those.

…and that story about netflix being created because he had a copy of Apollo 13 that was late and he had an epiphany about creating NFLX to stop late fee's is TOTAL BULLSHIT. Did some contract work, very small re: facility build-up, before they built that gawdy bldg in Los Gatos-way before it went public.


for newfags

Look into his great grandfather Albert Loomis. very interdasting.

Anonymous ID: 052b62 Dec. 27, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.7632109   🗄️.is đź”—kun


just did some there and totally understand. must have respect for surroundings. Mex is worse as most have been drinking prior.

Even the sea of cortez is relatively benign but the under-currents are pretty harsh.