Anonymous ID: 0ed48e Dec. 27, 2019, 5:09 a.m. No.7631403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1406

Morning anons…


Getting caught up…bread people was an interesting


Collyer FINALLY getting newsworthy…

Iranian earthquake that wasn't…


Lamestream=pravda trying to push a narrative where we would call for Trumps arrest? Watch for it! About all (they) have left…


BTW (they) are EXCELLENT at hunkering down and waiting for the fallout to pass by them. We will need to hunt them down root and branch. The folks you see are removed from the power by a step or two. Swiss/Dutch families are highly interesting…

Anonymous ID: 0ed48e Dec. 27, 2019, 5:19 a.m. No.7631425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Helicopter tours are common above the island of Kauai


"Coast Guard crews are searching by air and in the water for an overdue helicopter with seven people onboard that failed to return from a tour off Kauai’s Na Pali coast.

Petty Officer 1st Class Robert Cox, of Coast Guard Joint Rescue Command Center Honolulu, said weather conditions in the search area are “challenging" with low visibility and blustery winds.

"We have trained crews responding and on scene searching for any signs of the helicopter and those aboard,” Cox said, in a news release issued Thursday night.

The Coast Guard was alerted to the missing Kauai-based helicopter about 6 p.m. It was due to return about 5:21 p.m. from a tour off the Na Pali Coast.

Onboard are a pilot and six passengers, including two minors.

The aircraft is equipped with an electronic locator, but no signals have been received, officials said.

The Coast Guard said its launched an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter, a cutter and other resources to search for the missing helicopter. Additional searches are scheduled at first light."

Anonymous ID: 0ed48e Dec. 27, 2019, 5:25 a.m. No.7631446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


+1 on notable…


If singularity has been achieved this is super scarey…can't "pull the plug…"


We will soon face a choice…


Spirituality <——AI