Anonymous ID: 1bd5d7 Dec. 27, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.7631527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1551 >>1582 >>1596 >>1902


It's no secret that most oldfags believe the evil satanists harvest human blood products from terrorized children.

We have mentioned adrenochrome at least 2887 times (

We have read a MK-ULTRA victim's testimony that her cerebrospinal fluid was tapped repeatedly.

We have read scenes of torture. There was a male victim testimony of being satanically tortured on a boat by his uncle with blood collected in a chalice. (I stopped right there.)

Defecting Hollywood insiders have stated that Hollywood drinks blood.


I'm not watching the video. Too tender hearted. I learned the hard way what I must to protect my psyche. We've all been traumatized in one way or another, but to some, memories are all too fresh even decades later. Someone else can watch and summarize in brief text post.


Folks we're getting into the human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse stuff.


Anonymous ID:grTMpzrL Wed 01 Nov 2017 02:13:10 No.147452214

Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Tue 04 Sep 2018 13:56:46 No.181

{Pic: HRC wearing Satanic cross}

{Pic: Chelsea Clinton wearing Satanic cross}

Like Mother

Like Daughter


Anonymous ID: 1bd5d7 Dec. 27, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.7631610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1618 >>1810



Short video. Listen. Anon's rough transcript:


He was instructed to make a short video to give public verification.

The Pentagon did indeed rescue >2000 children who were being held in underground bunkers and bases.

He led the operation, he was in the tunnels, he saw everything.

Yes 2100 children.

I'm not going to go into the details of what it looked like, basically like hell on earth.

The commander made a comment something to do with the movie "It".

Had to do with clowns.

Have to remember that what they're doing is they're torturing and murdering these children and raising their adrenochrome, for the drug of adrenochrome– so

I really just came on to confirm that.

I know that when reports come out, sometimes there's speculation whether or not it's true– It IS true.

And there are more missions that are going to take place, there's more coming.

And yeah, there were diversions in California, I believe while they were locating and detecting where the electricity was underneath the ground.

So I really don't have any more to report than that

It was my commander. He led the operation. He was the one running the entire operation.

And so in the future, when I learn more and when I'm authorized to bring it to you, I will do that.

So keep up the fight, everybody, and I wish I could talk longer but they're looking for me, so I can't.

This is Timothy Charles Holmseth reporting to you, 2100 children were saved by the Pentagon pedophile task force.

God bless everybody.


Anon adds: Isn't pedophile an ironic word for this?

pedo = child

phile = love

These monsters don't love children, they love to torture, murder, and consume children.


Raise the armor of the spirit and helmet of salvation, frens, we're ALL going to need it.

Anonymous ID: 1bd5d7 Dec. 27, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.7631618   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sorry to clear up one phrase

>He led the operation,

accidentally omitted that the info was given to Holmseth by the commander of the operation. It was that commander led the operation.

My omission, sorry.

Just wanted to be clear.

Anonymous ID: 1bd5d7 Dec. 27, 2019, 6:35 a.m. No.7631673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1695 >>1852 >>1865 >>1881 >>1957 >>1980

Every researcher needs to read this and watch the short video. Reposting for moar eyes-on.


Timothy Charles Holmseth: Pentagon Pedophile Task Force rescued 2,100 children from underground bunkers and bases in California

Video posted on October 15, 2019


Short 3 minute video. Listen. Anon's rough transcript:


He (Timothy Charles Holmseth) was instructed to make a short video to give public verification.

The Pentagon did indeed rescue >2000 children who were being held in underground bunkers and bases.

The information was provided by his contact at the Pentagon, who is the leader of the operation.

That commander led the operation, he was in the tunnels, he saw everything.

Yes 2100 children.

I'm not going to go into the details of what it looked like, basically like hell on earth.

The commander made a comment something to do with the movie "It".

Had to do with clowns.

Have to remember that what they're doing is they're torturing and murdering these children and raising their adrenochrome, for the drug of adrenochrome– so

I really just came on to confirm that.

I know that when reports come out, sometimes there's speculation whether or not it's true– It IS true.

And there are more missions that are going to take place, there's more coming.

And yeah, there were diversions in California, I believe while they were locating and detecting where the electricity was underneath the ground.

So I really don't have any more to report than that

It was my commander. He led the operation. He was the one running the entire operation.

And so in the future, when I learn more and when I'm authorized to bring it to you, I will do that.

So keep up the fight, everybody, and I wish I could talk longer but they're looking for me, so I can't.

This is Timothy Charles Holmseth reporting to you, 2100 children were saved by the Pentagon pedophile task force.

God bless everybody.


Anon adds: Isn't pedophile an ironic word for this?

pedo = child

phile = love

These monsters don't love children, they love to torture, murder, and consume children.

Raise the armor of the spirit and helmet of salvation, frens, we're ALL going to need it.


Pentagon Pedophile Task Force rescued 2,100 children from underground bunkers and bases in California


So the Pentagon task force has chosen this guy to be our informant on this topic. It would behoove us to monitoring his Youtube channel or other public postings.