Anonymous ID: 720049 Dec. 27, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.7631613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1627



GMorning Swordy and God Bless you!


God bless our Patriots - feels like they are coiled and ready to spring into action, but we will leave those plans to the great planners! In the meantime I have been pondering in my heart the various signs of the times and trying to determine if the things that were "sealed up until the end times" are beginning to be revealed to us, little by little.


Why even wonder? Because it has been universally revealed to all (who have eyes to see and ears to hear) that the demons and dragons and principalities and powers of old have never left us, have never left us alone. They tried to hide and then tried to trick us, but the Lord maker of all things seen and unseen has provided us with a leader (God be with you Pres Trump!) and his men (God be with you Patriots and Digital Army!) to show us what we are up against. And the reveal has been epic….PTL. Our Lord and savior has given us a fighting chance!


Let us gain better understanding, let us continue our search for Truth, let us brace ourselves, let us learn where our salvation really lies. Let us pray and fight the good fight!


in Jesus' name Amen! WWG1WGA WW


(sorry if posted twice - big lag this morning)