Anonymous ID: 17237c Dec. 27, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.7633723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3792 >>4135

>>7633503 lb

>>7633456 lb


Anons, our job is to discern. And I discern this anon is the same one who – over the past 3+ days – has given us all the info about the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force and the abandoned train line (Red Line) under the streets of Los Angeles where one of the big raids took place to rescue children held captive of the satanic pedos.


Our job, my job anyhow, is to discern then AMPLIFY messages that we perceive to be from Q team and POTUS. This

>>7633503 lb

>>7633456 lb

is one such.


I'm just an anon, reporting on info that's passed to us in the clear, that anyone can see if they don't allow distractions to overwhelm.

(pic2 is pink because informant anon replied to one of my posts to grab my attention … which works …)


Thank you informant fren.


God bless America!!!