According to this site, with its extensive leads for additional digging, the book Bloodlines of the Illuminati is too simplistic to explain the full depth and breadth of the Globalist Financial Criminal Conspiracy Network. You also need to look at groups and organizations and their interconnections.
While there may indeed be 13 major powerful bloodline families mostly in control, there are likely to be many other bloodlines that serve them in various sorts of minion roles, and it is these minions (remember what the yellow color means) that manage the flow of wealth into the Cabal. The vigorish always goes through several levels before it gets to the Godfather of the family.
So, there are Nordic Royal Families, Jewish banking Families, artificial families like the Roman Catholic Church, corrupt Masonic Lodges, Corporations, organized crime gangs like Mafia, nDrangheta, Hezbollah and Russia's Thieves-By-Law and even many NGOs.
Diggers Paradise at this URL here
filled with references you can follow up on
There is a shadowy group of Plutocrats running multinational corporations, controlling the media narrative, manipulating the money supply, influencing governments, generating chaos, and provoking wars in order to further their agendas. These people are very real and extremely dangerous. They operate in the shadows, safely out of the light of public scrutiny. They manage by proxy, using cut-outs to do their bidding, never allowing themselves to get their hands dirty? Politicians are used and discarded, giving the illusion that they are the ones in control. The controllers' identities are hidden through a corporate shell game of holding companies and secret banking tax havens, in places like the Cayman Islands and Luxemburg. A thirst for publicity and a lust for the spotlight are liabilities if you want to excel in this endeavor. Better to rule from the shadows where your identity and intentions are unknown.
… The people running the show are mostly driven, professional, sociopaths with no discernible traces of compassion.
… Some of our best-known leaders and public figures are actually psychopaths, and what makes a psychopath most effective is their overall lack of empathy. They simply do not have the ability to imagine or feel someone else's pain, and this frees them up to cross boundaries that the rest of us would never dream of crossing. They can operate without limits, giving them an advantage over everyone else. They are professional liars and damn proud of it.
… You do not make it to the top of the food chain by being nice, honest and fair; you get there by force, deception, and influence. You get there through violence, if necessary. You get there through blackmail and extortion. It takes planning and funding, patience and practice, and a mastery of how to use fear to control other people. Those running the world are playing a much different game than the rest of us, and the way they see it, there are no rules. Or at least the rules do not apply to them.
… Their plan is to change society in every country in a way that provides them a reason to impose a world government. The creation of a world central bank and an electronic world currency, in conjunction with the elimination of cash, would allow them complete control to dictate financial policy around the globe. Their policies would be enforced by their world army, and a micro-chipped population would live in fear of having their electronic currency deleted if they ever crossed the world government.