Anonymous ID: 8cb48a Dec. 27, 2019, 3:56 p.m. No.7635717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>I found the Bill Wood interview re Project Looking Glass absolutely fascinating, especially since Q mentioned it, and repeatedly says Future Proves Past, etc. All possible timelines, after 12/21/12, lead to the same inevitable event. Nothing can stop what is coming, and I want to be ready for it. The Awakening Process, an evolution of consciousness that cannot be stopped and is most commonly referred to as "Ascension."


The Pineal Gland is known as the third eye, the 'dormant telepathic organ.' It regulates our melatonin and circadian rhythms. It contains rods and cones just like in our eyes, and a strange retina-like object. It is sensitive to light coming in through our eyes.


It is a pine cone shaped gland, and it is pictured in many ancient paintings, statues, sculptures and carvings.


The largest one is at the Vatican:


A cross-section of the brain looks curiously like the Eye of Osiris/Horus:


Virtually everyone over the age of 12 has a calcified pineal gland. It comes from fluoride and chlorine in our water, toothpaste, too much calcium, shitty food and vices.


All the calcification makes the pineal light up white in a brain scan, just like bone does in xrays:


Close-up of calcified pineal glands:


Anyhow, I smoke cigs like a chimney; drink and bathe in tap water which my city fluoridates the fuck out of, and I've been a daily pot smoker since I was 20. I drink my share of alcohol, but have always eaten pretty clean.


So my Christmas present to myself were a water distiller, shower filter, Boron, Lugol's Iodine Solution, and Fermented Skate Liver Oil. First of the year it's balls to the wall - no more cigs, weed, caffein, or booze, lots of meditating, and bible reading. I want to be able to dream again, and hear God. Wish me luck!