Anonymous ID: 2c6c2c Dec. 27, 2019, 6 p.m. No.7636890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6924



>So what unifies?

The world seeing HRC in handcuffs.

Believe it or not, people want to see accountability. People are craving justice - ESPECIALLY for her. There is a small pocket of Hillary supporters, and there always will be, but the vast VAST majority of people know she’s a crooked, wicked cunt.


Consider the “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” phenomenon. Hardly anyone noticed at the time, but it was the one thing just about everybody agreed on: that Epstein didn’t kill himself. And as we all know, it was implied that Crooked Hillary and her pervert husband did. Even if they didn’t, people unified around the idea that they did. It’s powerful unnoticed/unspoken shit like this that rallies society around the only possible outcome for those two.

Anonymous ID: 2c6c2c Dec. 27, 2019, 6:20 p.m. No.7637095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7136 >>7153 >>7156 >>7268 >>7395 >>7400 >>7435


There have been a few, major, events that shocked the conscious of Americans since we started on this journey.


The Nunes memo was one. Tough to really see it’s full impact at the time, but it was the first offensive shot the R’s took against the DS and it put a lot of people on their asses. Like we all knew there was fuckery going down, but the Nunes memo made it official and set off a series of events that are still in motion today.


Mueller’s testimony was another significant moment. Democrats and their cohorts put all their chips on Mueller delivering the fatal blow to POTUS, and instead, what we got was a mumbling, stumbling, crotchety old man who didn’t know his ass from his elbow, which left people wondering what this fucking guy was doing for two years.


Epstein getting arrested was MASSIVE. It basically validated everything we were saying for two years, and then when he “killed himself” everyone started questioning what was REALLY going on in the government. As previously discussed, EVERYONE.


And finally, the IG report. Again, it’s difficult to fully grasp the gravity of something like the IG report because we are still going through all the aftershocks, but god damn, that was fucking devastating to the Obama FBI/DOJ.


We are close man, I truly believe that. I’ve been a staunch Q proponent, although it’s been difficult at times, and I think we really are at the home stretch. I believe Q when he says Indictments 2019. Of course it won’t be all encompassing like we want, but I suspect the first unsealed indictment will be another one of those huge, earth shattering moments that adds to an already fascinating cadence of systematic destruction.


I love this shit, bro. I really do. It’s the most amazing thing to ever happen in my lifetime, and I just thank God he made me an extremist that DEMANDS to be on the front fucking lines. Literally, I can’t get close enough to the Great Awakening. o7 bud. Keep digging and spreading the news because we WILL be talked about in history books. It’s inevitable at this point.

Anonymous ID: 2c6c2c Dec. 27, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.7637191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The “B-but Trump’s friends with Epstein too!” narrative is slowly fading into irrelevance.


Epstein News breaks everyday, and rarely (if ever) do you see them tying Trump to Epstein anymore. The fact that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago for assaulting an underage girl, and was the only one to offer assistance to the victims’ attorney makes that argument moot.

Anonymous ID: 2c6c2c Dec. 27, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.7637225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7241


For sure. It’s demanding work - to be on the front lines and stay committed to the cause despite unprecedented opposition, but I can’t imagine living my life any other way. And I wouldn’t even want to, tbh. We all chose this life of torch-bearing society into the Truth era.