Anonymous ID: 381eb3 Dec. 27, 2019, 7:05 p.m. No.7637557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7635 >>7704 >>7721 >>7735 >>8024 >>8118


Q has mentioned God and prayers a lot.

You need to understand that illuminati not only controlled politics, companies, media but also science.

The ones recommending vaccacines are masons.

The ones claiming CO2 would destroy the earth in 10 years are masons.

The ones claiming that humanity is just one of many races on one of many planets with life are masons.

The same people that worship satan have tried to ban and hide God from out lives. This is one critical part of their evil agenda. (And at the same time those people use spirituality over and over.)


Watch this video, 30 mins, to understand that the earth and humanity is not one of many, but something very special.


Amazing Evidence For God – Scientific Evidence For God

Anonymous ID: 381eb3 Dec. 27, 2019, 7:12 p.m. No.7637635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7721 >>7735 >>8024 >>8118



The moon perfectly covering the sun during eclipse - a coincidence?

The perfectly fine tuned universe - a coincidence?


Few more "coincidences" that make our solar system and planet very special compared to all the other planets.

  • sun has perfect size and distance to earth

  • sun has unusually low antering of its activity, leading to perfect conditions on earth

  • magnetic field, protecting earth from solar wind

  • perfect athmosphere, protecting earth from solar radiation

  • unusually big moon (science cannot even explain why it is so much bogger than all other moons tehy found) that is needed for our live on earth

Anonymous ID: 381eb3 Dec. 27, 2019, 7:21 p.m. No.7637704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7721 >>7735 >>8024 >>8118



Charles Darwin, a mason, wants you to believe that the first cell just coincidentally got "mixed together" in the primordial soup.


The universe being created by a creator is far more likely.



  • the first cell is way more complex than Darwin thought

  • he himself said that his theory would be debunked if it can be shown that 'evolution' is not alwys done in small gradual stept

  • the first cell proves just that, all of the many components of a cell could not have evolved w/o all other components. they would not be protected w/o a membran, they would not have had any function, they would not have energy w/o mitochondria, …

  • every cell has DNA, a highly complex code that describes everything in nature, DNA would not be able to survive w/o a membran and it would have no value at all w/o all the other components of a cell. cells even have DNA copy machines, highly complex of course.

  • Evolution theory claims this first cell just got mixed together by amino acids. This is jut not possible.

  • also evolution theory until this day has not found one (not a single one!) fossil that would show the transition between two species (and when transitioning from A to B over millions of years, it´s obvious that there should be way more transitioning form fossils than A and B folliss)


Evolution theory is fake news and done to hide God.

Anonymous ID: 381eb3 Dec. 27, 2019, 7:55 p.m. No.7638118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8125


not baking this?

not even replying?



>>7637557, >>7637492, >>7637635, >>7637704 Anon on the existence of God / Illuminati hiding God

(seems relevant bc was posted lb partially just before POTUS rt the "Jesus is back" meme.)


I think it would not hurt patriots to see that info. But I am sure this triggeres satanists…

Anonymous ID: 381eb3 Dec. 27, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.7638169   🗄️.is 🔗kun



you, again, named the notables in a way that the meaning is not easily catched by autists.



>>7637915 Flynn's Diggie Soldiers Speech

It was Sidney Powell who RT´d, this seems pretty relevant and that was also the suggested title when this was called notable.

so why did you choose a name that leaves that out?