Hey frens. So The Dominos pizza CFO died today. I was doing some research on that when a tweet some how tying Kevin Spacey to Domino's pizza ( haven't found out how yet ) led me the man's twitter. His header is water. Think that has anything to do with " watching the water? " Why the fuck are people dying around this man?
dubs confirm.
This guy doesn't believe in meme magic.
Holy shit this is what that tweet was referring to. Wtf. Is spacey giving kill commands?
SAUCE for Dominos CFO death. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/dominos-pizza-group-cfo-dies-tragic-holiday-accident
May 8th there will be an Emergency alerty system broadcast. Possibly a presidential alert instead. Screen shot this.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT This is a blitzkrieg of social media.
Is this the weekend Q? Suicide weekend?
That guy is a larping retard. Can't wait to derail his shit.