I saw some post about the deal in 1933 and remembered I had this, I have something on the US being bankrupt, the date was around the same year. I'll keep digging for it. I've got shit everywhere
Girl from MD shooting had been in the hospital has died:(
Are you really that ignorant, never mind you are!!!
Halalulah, what ever! What he said…
(((They))) have been working on their plan for generations, it can't be done over night. I for one don't want to get nuked
And murders
Now that's some funny shit.
Me hungry
Moar Moar Moar
That's a good side by side
I sure thought Bolton would have been pick last year, you know if the ClownNN doesn't like him he's a keeper
That's what the new world would look like under Barry and you looked at it closer than I did