Anonymous ID: cc6699 Dec. 27, 2019, 8:03 p.m. No.7638223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I stir up the agents and take these slings and arrows, proudly, so you may see for yourselves who the clowns are here~

Sunlight's the best disifectant!

Now they're reacting by posting 'concerned about BO' spam to muddy the waters of our actual clown infestation.

=Selective outrage is the groundwork for distrusting any action BO may take against them.=

They do what they blame others for, remember that.

''Those that push alljoos=bad, allmasons=bad, earth=flat, and who defend anal-rape-spamming creepbot:[m4xFAILr3sdECLOWNfault]*SNIP,=SEXURE😇,eSAFE \_ヾSNIP(ᐖWOMPWOMP😂◞ )[LIMPG4YCLOWNPr0nBANISHB0T]SNIP,=SEXURE😇,eSAFE \_ヾSNIP(ᐖWOMPWOMP😂◞ )dSNIP(-🤣_WOMP^)freeJAILdumbCLOWN]SNIP***,=SEXURE😇,eSAFE \_ヾSNIP(ᐖWOMPWOMP😂◞ )DANsnipNALsnipINGsnipUS🤣''are C_A clowns in the same room, trying to infuriate you with lies even they don't believe, and track you with youtube links.

Is the Infection the Host?

=Make Everything Great Again!=


They lock you into 'fight or flight' mode, through rage inducing repetition and subliminal rape spam, which restricts access to our minds higher cognitive skills. IT'S CENSORSHIP.

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮/ Add a blur to protect you from their rape subliminals, that fades-to-normal when moused over /.post-image { filter: blur(1.5px); transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { filter: blur(.5px); transition: all 89ms;}It's also a great way to discern who's Fren or Foe, so Report + Filter, to unleash our free speech!


Anonymous ID: cc6699 Dec. 27, 2019, 8:04 p.m. No.7638250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8306

Q is a backchannel between Americas Military Intellegence and You, the People they protect. Not some cryptic germatica, there's no post time to post number gymnastics or other deliberately critical misapplications involved.

A conversation that tiptoes around their National Security Laws enough to lead you into narrative shattering insights.

Read that again.

They have a lot to tell us

You all see how fake the news is, how insideous they've become at suppressing the Truth.

Did you think we could go on without a Guiding Light?

They saw the horror that struck down JFK.

You may have underestimated how deep the control had become..


Read what your Military needs you to know.

Read what Trump wants you to know.

Q is who has read what the world will soon know.

The Rod and the Ring will Strike~

Anonymous ID: cc6699 Dec. 27, 2019, 8:08 p.m. No.7638306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8369


What the clowns attack?


Unshakable confidence.

Information warfare targets+manages what percentage of the population believes x, y, z.

They track those who speak against the narrative, those who inspire others to say they disagree. If one person stands up and says they don't agree, it opens the window for others to say they disagree. If 10% of the population hold an unshakable belief, then it propogates to the entire population.

They're terrified of the domino affect we've already started

Our enemy needs to know what unshakable beliefs we hold so they can inject doubt into it.

The key here is to hold an absolute belief. Find the bullet proof belief you hold about Q, Distill it down to a digestable sentence, and spread it like wildfire.

eg: Epstein didn't kill himself.

eg: Q is a backchannel between Americas Military Intellegence and You, the People they protect.

eg: Is the Infection the Host? Make Everything Great Again!


<Definition of back channel

<: a secret, unofficial, or irregular means of communication


Watch our enemy burn in their own terror, watch them try in a hundred ways to make you question your own belief.

>First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

>First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

=They will fight but you are ready.=

>Marker [9].


Stand firm and know well how scared they are, hiding behind the lies even they don't believe~

Anonymous ID: cc6699 Dec. 27, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.7638369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reposting for relevence!


=Pelosi has turned the impeachment articles into a deployable pickle. It's ammunition to stall what they want=


On top of that, Trump wants a lengthly trial so they can expose the swamp. Pelosi will hand over the articles just before something important comes up so they're caught in a pickle: conduct a long trial to expose the swamp, or take care of the important buisness that was about to happen in the senate.


It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't pickle

What's their target?

>What statements have been made by Chairman Graham re: Senate FISA hearing(s) & witnesses?

He wants to call, as witnesses, everyone who signed / was involved with Pages' FISA.

>>7592466 (lb)

>She wants to prevent Graham's FISA hearings from bringing down the House.


She's holding the articles of impeachment as ammunition against the move Q has called FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE.



Important to read and understand.

=Something BIG is coming.=





=Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. While the substance of those meetings is not clear, Rogers has cooperated voluntarily, several people with knowledge of the matter said.=



Just imagine how much His Eyes have seen!